Trying to lose

Hello, my name is Rosanna. I live in South Dakota. My family makes great food. I love to eat! Reaching 190 pounds is difficult. I have been approaching this weight for some time now. I don't feel like I weigh 190 pounds but I know that I look like it. My clothes don't fit. I want to get ahead of my body and change now before I get out of control. I'm a little worried about the calorie counter because I can't find some of the things I have eaten. I want to be specific. So, I'm going to do my best!
I love the outdoors. I work on the family farm. I will probably use it as exercise. I do have a piece of equipment. It targets my abs. I have noticed the changes. Well, at least my muscles hurt.


  • durbanski
    durbanski Posts: 183 Member
    Welcome and congrats on taking the first step. :) My best advice is to read labels, and if you're so inclined is to add those foods to the database or find the approximate equal by doing some digging. I know how hard it is to start off when you love food and cant imagine giving up certain things. I can promise you once you commit to it and see the results for a few weeks it will feed the fire to want to go further.

    Any tips wanted drop me a line.

    Take care,

    Dustin :)
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Welcome! What a great screen name!:smile:

    I've found most foods by either entering the ingredients and adjusting the serving size, or finding an equivalent. My hint is to select a few options and compare the nutrient info. Somethings have been entered in an extremely optimistic way (way too few calories) so if you select a few of them you are more likely to find the one that makes the most sense. I eat a lot of venison and I'll make up recipes. You can also go to the site
    And enter your recipe but sometimes that can take longer while you guess what the ingredient and size needs to be for the system to recognise it!

    My biggest tip is to LOG EVERY THING THAT GOES INTO YOUR MOUTH and to log the good days and the bad days! If I miss logging in I'll go back and log what I can remember. Even if you think it's a "cheat" day - log it - that way you can go back and review and see the impact!

    Also - if you weigh yourself regularly - remember that you can't really gain a pound or two in a day or two - it's probably water fluctuating and the amount of food you have working through your gut system. Don't worry about day to day gains - as long as your low weigh ins are going down over all, you're doing fine!

    Remember that a few bad days or even weeks is just a bump in the road to better health. There's no falling off the wagon just some stumbles that and side trips that slow down your progress a bit.

    GOOD LUCK!:flowerforyou: