Any Good Gluten Free Recipes?

Currently, I am eat no breads, chips, potato etc. I would like to try some gluten free recipes. Do any of you have good ones? Thanks Sarah


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Just cook with real foods that don't contain gluten.
  • Kazjak14
    Kazjak14 Posts: 16 Member
    Try glutenfreecookingschool or glutenfreemommy
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    There's a very nice book called Artisanal Gluten-Free Cooking. Everything I've made out of it has been very good-- especially the cornbread. The cookbook has you mix up a particular blend of flours and then that blend is the basic starting point for many of the recipes. I got it on Amazon here:

    Actually, I see that this is a newer edition than mine. . . might have to buy a new copy for myself. :-P
  • LifeChanged2000
    LifeChanged2000 Posts: 176 Member
    I eat Gluten Free and Egg Free....there is a great website I like to use with a ton of recipes.
  • You can try raw food recipes. They are a great way to incorporate more whole foods into your diet. like Cucumber Boats. Take a cucumber and scoop out some of the flesh. Then mix that with avocado, tomato, cilantro, cayanne, lime juice alt and pepper. Then put the mixture back into the hallowed out cucumbers. Its delicious, satisfying and quite filling. You can also fill with hummus, tapanade, etc. there are plenty of things!! I would begin to understand what gluten really is as well. Potatos do not have gluten in them, so you can still eat potatoes. Are you on a carb free diet or a gluten free diet?
  • sarahfashion861
    sarahfashion861 Posts: 44 Member
    I am watching my calories. I have not been eating breads etc because it hurts my tummy. I wanted to try Gluten free items. :) Thank you everyone for your responses.
  • awesomek001
    awesomek001 Posts: 167 Member
    Search for a magazine called "Living Without". They specialize in having recipes and information on living with food sensitivities - - lots of gluten free recipes and great articles.
  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    I am watching my calories. I have not been eating breads etc because it hurts my tummy. I wanted to try Gluten free items. :) Thank you everyone for your responses.

    Are you just not eating bread, or are you cutting out all gluten (like in sauces, gravy mixes etc)? has some good recipes and mixes, so does is good too. If you have Pinterest there are tons of recipes on there.
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member I've had success with some of these recipes as well as at Bob Red Mills.

    My favorite way to make a "sandwich" now is to put the filling...whatever it might be...on a big leaf of Romaine and roll it up. totally satisfying.

    For pasta I use the brand Bionaturae....very close to the texture of wheat pasta.

    I've tried 2 different recipes for GF cookies. If you'd like the recipes send me a message.
  • I am a diagnosed Celiac and have been eating Gluten Free (GF) for over 10 years. The best GF recipes are ones that naturally contain no gluten. For example, tonight I made oven roasted veggies with balsamic vinegar, olive oil, and a bit of honey. The best GF grains to make recipes around are probably amaranth and quinoa- both are full proteins, low calories, and nutritionally dense. It takes a little to figure out, but you can get some really good foods. My best advice would be to start all your recipes from basic, whole ingredients.

    Also, if you feel like bread and wheat products are making you feel bad, now would be the time to seek out a medical screening for Celiac Disease. If you have the disease, it is crucial to get an official diagnosis for a variety of reasons. The worst thing is to go GF, feel better, and have to eat gluten again to get diagnosed. Now would be the time to do it!
  • sarahfashion861
    sarahfashion861 Posts: 44 Member
    Thank you guys for all the advice much needed! :)
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    Spanish Tapioca Style Rolls - a little high in calories so careful - but good

    Angel Food Cake - Perfect for a sweet bread like Hawaiin bread. I use it that way. Heck, I've put peanut butter and jelly on it. Yes, I'm weird. It makes for a great cake for b-days too or strawberry short cake. I've swapped out the corn starch and did equal amounts of potato starch and tapioca starch and it still turns out really good. Oops. Sorry - put the wrong link up and had to correct it.

    Pancakes - Use Pamela's Ultimate Baking and Pancake Mix and make a great pumpkin bread. Oh, I usually add extra walnuts to the mix. This ends up being a low and very moist pumpkin bread. Be careful! It's easy to burn the top. Timing is critical...let it sit as it's unusually moist at first THEN it gets solid once it cools. I slice and freeze pieces if it's not eaten super fast.


    P.S. Invest in a rice cooker and mini-crock pot for lunches. I tend to eat a lot of rice. It's well worth it. If you cook up several cups, it'll last for DAYS in the fridge and you can even freeze portions.