Nothing Seems to be Happening

Ok, so I've seriously been motivated to diet and I'm having no problems exercising and eating right. No more temptations. I lift heavy 5X/wk, cardio for 30 minutes 5-6X/wk, I'm eating up to (or less than) 1900 cal's per day; all clean food. But for the past two 1/2 weeks...nothing. I fluctuate between 219-222lbs. I'm drinking a gallon (almost) of water per day, burn nearly 3500 cal's per day. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong here.


  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Nothing at all? Clothes not fitting better, not feeling leaner and stronger? If you're building muscle while losing fat, the scale might not change for a while.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Do you eat your exercise calories back? If so, I wonder how accurate your calorie burn is. Try one week of not eating them back and see what happens.. maybe decrease your calories slowly, like going down 50 cals a week and see if the scale moves.
  • Nothing at all? Clothes not fitting better, not feeling leaner and stronger? If you're building muscle while losing fat, the scale might not change for a while.

    Well yes, I do feel much better overall. Breathing is better, I'm not foggy at all hardly when I wake up in the morning, I do feel stronger and I have more energy. So yes, there are positives. I'm just wondering why it's not being reflected on the scale...darn it. :)