30 Day Shred?

I'm thinking of buying it, is it any good? Currently I'm 123lb and 5' 7", which means that I'm about adequate for my height. However, I need to tone my stomach, apparently 30 day shred's quite good for toning and so I thought I'd give it a go.

I read somewhere about weight training with 30 day shred, will I need to buy weights or do I just need the DVD?


  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    If it is anything like the biggest loser cardio max, it will pump you up *in schwartzenegger voice*
  • nansellers
    nansellers Posts: 3 Member
    A set of weights are needed and a mat, if you don't have carpet. Start with light weights, 3 pounds are what I use. I love the 30 day shred! It is awesome!
  • apetermann
    I've been doing it (about two weeks now), and it's really awesome...and I'd also suggest starting with lighter weights! I bought the cd at Wal Mart for $9. I also don't have a lot of weight to lose, and I think it's great for toning.
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    I started with 5 lb weights! I have been doing it for a while now---I did 2 weeks of level 1, 3 weeks of level 2 and now on level 3....It is a great workout!! I have noticed toning going on in my arms, but for my midsection, not so much. Whatever you choose to do, good luck! :)
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Question about the shred...is it hard on your knees?? Mine are finicky. Sometimes squats or exercises done on my hands and knees trigger pain. They are "crunchy." Thanks!
  • karen366
    karen366 Posts: 141
    Question about the shred...is it hard on your knees?? Mine are finicky. Sometimes squats or exercises done on my hands and knees trigger pain. They are "crunchy." Thanks!

    It can be hard on the knees..I don't have problems with it, but that seems to be a common complaint. There are many squats, jumping jacks, plank jacks...etc.
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    Question about the shred...is it hard on your knees?? Mine are finicky. Sometimes squats or exercises done on my hands and knees trigger pain. They are "crunchy." Thanks!

    my knees actually did start bothering me! i have had bad knees---they make an awful sound when i go up stairs, bend, ect....about the 3rd week into the shred, my left knee started with a clicking noise----so i took a mini break! there are a lot of lunges and bends, but the good thing is, is it has a beginer level, and advanced....so you can scale back to the beginers and still get a good workout in!!