New! Want friends to help motivate!

Hi, I'm Samantha. I'm 17 and I am really trying to lose weight so I can feel more confident about myself, and wear the clothes I feel like I can only dream of wearing!! I'm in my Senior year of High School and I currently weigh 160 and I want to get down to around 120-130. I work out 5 days a week for around 1 1/2 hours a day. I'd love for you all to add me and help keep me motivated, and help me through any hard days when I feel like it's impossible to lose weight. Weight loss tips and friend add's appreciated!!:smile:


  • karahunts
    karahunts Posts: 64 Member
    Hey! Well I'm new to this myself so I don't know how much help I can be lol but the fact that you're here and working out 5 times a week suggests that you'll definitely be getting to where you wanna be :)