Does it matter what I eat?

I eat 1,200 each day. Does it matter what I eat for those 1,200 calories? Like, for snacks if I eat a grain bar, would it matter? Cuz people always say don't "diet" but make a lifestyle change. I can't really eat veggies and fruits for snacks for my whole life but I love grain bars. Help me. >.<


  • shelleyfey
    shelleyfey Posts: 17 Member
    To answer your question, yes, it matters what you eat. However, a calorie is a calorie no matter what form you eat it. Your body needs a variety of nutrients from all sources - fruit, vegetable, grain and protein. Of course if you have food sensitivities or allergies then you add a whole new set of challenges. If you are just a picky eater, well, take the advise of a former picky eater, try new foods, you may just find you like what you eat!

    Personally, eating a lot of processed foods, such as the energy bars, etc. is not good nutrition. Remember you are what you eat, literally. To be healthy, one must eat healthy. Whole foods. Not processed or convenience foods with little or no nutritional value.
  • hedgehoggins
    Does it matter what I eat for those 1,200 calories? >.<

    I think the answer is, yes and no. It depends on what is important to you. Weight loss? Balanced nutrition? Sticking with your diet?

    Strictly in the sense of weight loss, maybe not. As they say, calories in, calories out. I suppose if you stick to 1,200 calories/day, it wouldn't matter even if those are 1,200 calories of pure french fries?

    If your goal is health, though, yes, it matters, although it also depends on what else you are eating. At 1,200 calories it can be a challenge to meet your RDA for micro-nutrients like calcium and iron. Tweaking your snacks is one way to make sure you aren't chronically running a deficit in one thing or another...

    In terms of sticking with your diet... good food choices make it easier to keep plugging away, right? Foods that leave you feeling "full" for longer make better snacks, IMO. Veggies do that for me, but if you prefer grain bars, and they help you stick to your goals, maybe they aren't a bad choice! Just make sure that you are getting whatever vitamins and minerals you may be missing in those bars from other sources.
  • txlissa62
    I think it varies from person to person. Of course, nutritionally, it would be better to stick to natural, unprocessed foods as much as possible. However, deviating from that once in a while won't kill you, as long as it's done in moderation.

    Personally, I have better results if I snack on fruits or nuts rather than carbs (such as pretzels, ice cream, etc.). I try to have at least four servings of fruit & veggies every day, and get plenty of protein. My evening snacks are usually pistachios and an apple.
  • aperrigaud
    That's a big heck yes it matters. If you give yourself 1200 calories of crap you will not do well. Your body is like a machine. If you give your machine cheap low-grade fuel it won't work well.