any suggestions for reading material?


My husband & I both signed up on mfp a couple of weeks ago after he ended up in the emergency room twice in less than 48 hours. They adjusted his thyroid meds and he's been feeling much better lately, but it was scary as "H E double hockey sticks" while they were trying to figure out what was going on. Neither one of us had any idea how much the thyroid controls the body.

After his er visits, I decided I needed a check-up... got the results back last night and they were not what I expected to see. :( So I need to make some more adjustments to get back on track again. I do not want to end up on meds if I can help it!!

We have made a point to make serious lifestyle changes. We want to see our teenager grow up and spoil our future grandkids. We're eating healthier and working out more. I haven't had a pepsi in 10 days, yay! I am drinking 96+oz water daily. I get up @ 4:15am to work out before "it's time to make the donuts". I am on my feet most of the day at work and I have lost 2lbs since we signed up. It's a start, but I want to lose 30-40 more. I have been reading lots of posts here and have found several inspiring stories. :)

Does anyone have suggestions for information and/or cookbooks on the glycemic index, gluten free eating and cooking with natural sugars (applesauce, honey, etc.)? I have done some internet searching, but there is so much info out there it's hard to decide what to read first. I appreciate any and all help with this!

