Are all calories created equal?



  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    If there were sodium differences in that, they could also have led to some water retention, thereby raising weight. But DavPul put it best on that part, I think, the part about it likely being different due to different preparation.

    That all said.. it comes down to caloric balance and one day (even two) does not ruin things. Lately I have been regularly going 500-1000 calories past my daily goal on weekend days, but working back to an even balance (and usually some deficit) during the week, and I'm leaning out quite nicely, and the best part.. no struggles. I enjoy what I eat even on those weekdays where I am strict. Staying within my planned macros (which have been roughly 40/40/20) has helped me to avoid almost ever feeling too hungry.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    From what I've read:
    As far as weight loss/weight gain goes, if you take the 'in' part of "calories in vs calories out"; then yes, a calorie is a calorie.
    But, what you consume can also affect both calories out and body composition.
    So if you lose weight by eating purely 'clean' food at an appropriate deficit, but do minimal exercise and eat minimal protein; you'll likely lose a fair bit of muscle and may well find that your body doesn't look much different, only smaller.

    I don't think anyone disputes that having decent amounts of protein is incredibly useful for building muscle if you're training for that.

    Yes, you do want to make sure you get a good range of micro-nutrients, but a lot of people seem rather over the top.
    Most things I've found suggest that if you're generally healthy, you can't get to 'healthy+10' by just eating more 'good' things. And our bodies evolved to live with wildly varying nutrition intake.

    Unfortunately a lot of people seem to base their opinions on bro, well hippyscience.
    It doesn't make it any more true.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Personal experience :

    2 weeks ago I prepped food for the week - ate all kinds of healthy stuff, the majority of my meals were made at home, etc. - Had a good loss on the Scale

    Last week - didn't prep any food, ate most of my food prepared elsewhere - still had similar calories to the week before. Gained weight.

    All calories are not the same. I will be shopping and prepping food on Sunday this week.

    Wrong conclusion. If you didn't prep the food you can't be sure if the calories were similar to the week before. The difference between two weeks ago and last week is accurate accounting, not the type of food. And 1 week isn't a sample size that I would take to the bank.

    I was just giving an example w/2 weeks - I didn't feel the need to list out all the food I've eaten in my entire life to prove my point. All I know is that I get better results w/some foods than others and even though I only listed two weeks I base that on all my eating over the over a year I've been on MFP and in the years previous.
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    If I'm trying to lose weight and I eat 1300 calories a day, which is my deficit needed to lose 1.5 lbs per week... would it make a difference in my weight loss if those calories are from clean, nutritious foods vs. unhealthy "empty" calories?

    My goal is to eat clean most of the time but I have the occasional slip up (which sometimes last a whole day) so it made me wonder- if I'm eating empty and unhealthy options but maintaining my calories... what harm am I doing in terms of stalling weight loss?

    (Forgive me if this topic has already been posted.... I tried searching but had not luck!)

    **ETA- I'm not looking to promote unhealthy eating.. just a curiousity of mine that came up which I was hoping someone might have some articles or 1st hand knowledge on! :smile:

    It's all about calories. I have ate pure junk food for a month to show my mfp friends it's about calories, results? Lost 10lbs that month.

    Haha that is awesome

    Great links.