Been at this forever now

This is just a little rant. I just have been trying to lose weight for so long now probably like 2 years by now and I'm still not at goal weight/size. It seems like other people can lose double what my goal is in under a year yet I am struggling to do it in three times that time. Every year now since I've set out trying to make my body better i always imagine that this summer will be the summer I can wear sexy things like shorts and skirts and so far every summer I've ended up dissapointed in myself. I understand that these things take time and all that but I just am getting a little rung out and honestly am sick of the burdens that trying to lose weight brings on :o blah blah blah you guys know the deal, It is all just a pain and even if you do it all right and work yourself it is still no guarantee you'll see any progress.

Ugh I'm not giving up now when I'm finally kind of close to my goal I'm just kinda irked and tired of all this. I just kind of wonder if I ever really will get to post my own success story :embarassed:


  • ajswriter
    ajswriter Posts: 117 Member've lost 43 & ONLY have 17 more to go! You're doing great! Now that you got the rant out, keep moving in a positive direction! :)
  • terijoestoes
    terijoestoes Posts: 205 Member
    How does anyone give you pointers when we cant see your diary. Are you eating too little or too much. Not enough protein or too much. Etc etc. At 167. Why would you not wear shorts and swimsuit. I weigh a lot more than that and wear shorts all summer and swim year round.
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    How does anyone give you pointers when we cant see your diary. Are you eating too little or too much. Not enough protein or too much. Etc etc. At 167. Why would you not wear shorts and swimsuit. I weigh a lot more than that and wear shorts all summer and swim year round.

    I'm not really looking for pointers just wanted to let out frustration. I don't wear any of that cuz I don't feel comfortable in them :P
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member

    Thanks for showing me this ^^ This article does have a couple of nice pointers in it :D
  • Manda86
    Manda86 Posts: 1,859 Member
    even if you do it all right and work yourself it is still no guarantee you'll see any progress.

    I disagree with this so much.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Are you making it too hard on yourself? How many calories are you do you have too big a deficit? What is your TDEE?
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    even if you do it all right and work yourself it is still no guarantee you'll see any progress.

    I disagree with this so much.

    Me too - there is something you're missing somewhere.

    Not to be down on you, but maybe you're not logging portions correctly, or are choosing foods that trigger you, or not planning and then getting stuck in a mad craving, or drinking alcohol... guaranteed there is an opportunity to make a change that will help.

    Figure it out, and you'll lose the weight :) & get help if you don't know where things are going wrong.

    Because if you keep telling yourself 'I'm doing everything!', and you're actually not, you're killing your own motivation, by seeing yourself as incapable of losing weight. And I believe you can do it, if I could.
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    even if you do it all right and work yourself it is still no guarantee you'll see any progress.

    I disagree with this so much.

    Me too - there is something you're missing somewhere.

    Not to be down on you, but maybe you're not logging portions correctly, or are choosing foods that trigger you, or not planning and then getting stuck in a mad craving, or drinking alcohol... guaranteed there is an opportunity to make a change that will help.

    Figure it out, and you'll lose the weight :) & get help if you don't know where things are going wrong.

    Because if you keep telling yourself 'I'm doing everything!', and you're actually not, you're killing your own motivation, by seeing yourself as incapable of losing weight. And I believe you can do it, if I could.

    yeah you guys are probably right. I think I need to be a little stricter and put all my efforts under the microscope to catch what it is. When I said there was no guarantee for it to work I was really more so reflecting on my past few months and I guess having seen no progress I got pulled into thinking that it was more of a maybe it will maybe it wont work thing. Obviously if I was doing it all right then it would be working, right? :laugh:
  • mabupi
    mabupi Posts: 15
    Don't forget that if you hadn't made any changes at all, you'd still weigh 43 lbs (or more!) more than you do now. In two years, I've managed to gain 15 pounds, and believe me I wasn't at a healthy weight then either. I'd pay a lot of money to weigh 43 lbs less than I do right now, but luckily for me it doesn't cost money, just time (sometimes 2 years or more) and effort. I love these boards, but it's a downer sometimes when people who started at the same time as me have lost 2, 3 or more times the amount of weight that I have. But if I keep losing, even slowly, then I'm still doing good right?

    Make adjustments if you need, but don't knock the progress you've made already!