the 'you don't look like you weigh that!' club - who's in?



  • vkruithof
    vkruithof Posts: 227 Member
    Me too, me too! I'm frequently guessed @ 50# lighter than I am. 5'8"... Currently 223.8# but still get guessed under 170#. I am big boned, like Garfield. ;0) I've always carried my weight well.
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    I've had many interesting looking teachers so I think it's dumb for one to say that you don't look like a teacher. Is there a certain way for a teacher to look?

    My sister is a teacher and she did say there's a certain dress code that's generally the norm. She described it a "business casual but comfortable". Teachers want to look professional in front of parents/staff, but not be too severe-looking for the kids. They also want clothes that are practical in physically active job (teachers often do lots of bending, running, standing, sitting, kneeling, lifting, etc.)

    Of course, every teaching job is different and not every teacher follows the norm.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    Have the opposite problem. People guess I am 125-130 and I'm only 118 :-/
  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    I'm probably not as in the club now as I was, but at 5'8" I've thrown many people off with my weight before I started my recent cut. My current profile picture (one of the progress pictures) I was 175lbs and few seem to put me over about 160-165 in person.
  • pommesvertes
    pommesvertes Posts: 24 Member
    I'm a size 16/18 (UK) and currently 196lbs. People always say I look smaller but I think that's more to do with people not really knowing what people actually look like in relation to certain sizes. People think in terms of skinny, chubby and obese. If you're not stereotypically an extreme of one of them, most people can't guess.

    Although I'm happy people tend to think I'm smaller, it can be frustrating that people believe I'm being over-dramatic or attention seeking when they realise I'm trying to lose.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member

    Anyway, the thing I am wondering is...why are people guessing people's weights? I never encounter people asking my weight or trying to guess it. I also can't imagine I would ever start a conversation like that.

    Same here, sounds rather odd!!

    for me it's more a matter of size. if i say i wear a size 12/14 for instance i was recently talking to a coworker who's the same height about being stoked i was in a size 12/14. the rest of the convo went like this:

    her: i want to get back down to 160/170 pounds too, so i can be a size 14 again
    me: given how i've lost weight,when i reach 160/170 pounds i'll probably be a size 8
    her: wait.. huh? if you dont mind me asking how much do you weigh now?
    me: 200-210.
    her: how is that possible? i thought you weighed less than me. you're smaller than me..

    so it's not like people are running up and guessing weights.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member

    Anyway, the thing I am wondering is...why are people guessing people's weights? I never encounter people asking my weight or trying to guess it. I also can't imagine I would ever start a conversation like that.

    Same here, sounds rather odd!!

    for me it's more a matter of size. if i say i wear a size 12/14 for instance i was recently talking to a coworker who's the same height about being stoked i was in a size 12/14. the rest of the convo went like this:

    her: i want to get back down to 160/170 pounds too, so i can be a size 14 again
    me: given how i've lost weight,when i reach 160/170 pounds i'll probably be a size 8
    her: wait.. huh? if you dont mind me asking how much do you weigh now?
    me: 200-210.
    her: how is that possible? i thought you weighed less than me. you're smaller than me..

    so it's not like people are running up and guessing weights.

    I see. I think that because I am small and in a small size, it is very unlikely for me to bring up a conversation like this because it would be odd and awkward for me to do that (I even feel a little funny talking about it on here, but I figure I can join in the conversation). I do have people comment on my fitness and ask me what I do and what they could do to lose weight or get fitter (I usually advise weight lifting and calorie counting, and that surprises them because I am a dancer). On occasion I have had people say that I am tiny and ask me what size I wear. When I shop it can actually come up. In a lot of stores when I walk in they say to me that they do not sell my size. Without me saying what my size is they point out some other stores that sell extra small sizes. One time when I was asking if their smallest size would fit me, I was asked how much I weigh. Or if I ask them what size they think I should wear they laugh and say "Extra small for you. I think that's pretty obvious. Not much guess work to figure that one out".

    The thing that surprises people is how much I eat (a lot more than they expect). There are a lot of misconceptions about food and eating and how much a person can eat and what constitutes healthy eating or not.
  • jbutterflye
    jbutterflye Posts: 1,914 Member
    I'm 5'6" and an hour glass shape. I carry my weight very well and most people think I'm smaller than I actually weigh.
  • sarantonio
    sarantonio Posts: 880 Member
    I'm *almost* 5'9 and weigh 170, which freaks people out, I've always "ran heavy", in high school I was a size 6 (sheesh, tiny me) and weighed 135...
  • sarantonio
    sarantonio Posts: 880 Member

    Anyway, the thing I am wondering is...why are people guessing people's weights? I never encounter people asking my weight or trying to guess it. I also can't imagine I would ever start a conversation like that.

    Same here, sounds rather odd!!

    LOL.. funny mental image... I give you a 150!!

    for me it's more a matter of size. if i say i wear a size 12/14 for instance i was recently talking to a coworker who's the same height about being stoked i was in a size 12/14. the rest of the convo went like this:

    her: i want to get back down to 160/170 pounds too, so i can be a size 14 again
    me: given how i've lost weight,when i reach 160/170 pounds i'll probably be a size 8
    her: wait.. huh? if you dont mind me asking how much do you weigh now?
    me: 200-210.
    her: how is that possible? i thought you weighed less than me. you're smaller than me..

    so it's not like people are running up and guessing weights.

    I see. I think that because I am small and in a small size, it is very unlikely for me to bring up a conversation like this because it would be odd and awkward for me to do that (I even feel a little funny talking about it on here, but I figure I can join in the conversation). I do have people comment on my fitness and ask me what I do and what they could do to lose weight or get fitter (I usually advise weight lifting and calorie counting, and that surprises them because I am a dancer). On occasion I have had people say that I am tiny and ask me what size I wear. When I shop it can actually come up. In a lot of stores when I walk in they say to me that they do not sell my size. Without me saying what my size is they point out some other stores that sell extra small sizes. One time when I was asking if their smallest size would fit me, I was asked how much I weigh. Or if I ask them what size they think I should wear they laugh and say "Extra small for you. I think that's pretty obvious. Not much guess work to figure that one out".

    The thing that surprises people is how much I eat (a lot more than they expect). There are a lot of misconceptions about food and eating and how much a person can eat and what constitutes healthy eating or not.
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    people always overestimate how much i weigh, does that count?
  • PriceK01
    PriceK01 Posts: 834 Member
    I'm in this group. I guess it's because I'm relatively tall with weight spread evenly. People are usually shocked when hearing how much I weigh.
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    Me! I'm tall and have long bones. I carry weight well. People always lowball me when they guess how much I weigh.
  • Ant_the_old_keith_lemon
    yep 98kgs or 216lbs....

    guys in work say you must be 80Kgs im the same size and shape as them, wear the same size pants etc! 34" & m/L

    the guys who weigh in at my weight are like 38" waist and xl.

    its weird!

    the joys of having calibrated platform scales in work ey!
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    Me, people who like to guess....and for some reason I get asked more than anyone should...guess 10-15lbs less than I do. Seriously? Maybe if I was 5'4
  • Stacyplus5
    Im 5 ft 10" I weigh between 155-158 lbs and I get wow you carry your weight well. huh? I look good fat, who knew? My mom tells me I look anerexic and Im looking at her saying Mom when I weighed 103lb you never accused me of being anerexic and I was. wtf
  • ladyinredflush
    ladyinredflush Posts: 72 Member
    Everyone is surprised by my numbers when I tell them. haha. All my weight goes to my love handles, butt, thighs, a little bit into arms and boobs. But mostly my bottom half. When I lost like ~10 pounds I still look the same...except my face is slightly skinnier.
  • Cocoapuff717
    Same here. I'm 265 now. But I'm tall, lots of muscle with big boobs and I carry my weight evenly. People are always shocked when I tell them how much I weigh.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    I used to, at 5 3, and about 11 stone (not my highest) a nurse said it to me........
  • ltowne
    ltowne Posts: 129 Member
    I'm 5'11" with big boobs and I have gotten that all of my life. People think I'm stretching it when I tell them what I weigh (180s). Who would lie about that???? At one time I was down to 145 and people thought I looked too thin. Is there such a thing??? lol