Motivation ;(

Hey there. So, here's the story. I go to the gym about six days a week -- BUT, I feel like I just don't try my hardest at all. I give up in the middle, because when I actually DID used to work out a LOT, I never felt like I saw results.Its very hard for me to lose weight, so the motivation just isn't there. My boyfriend said to me today that when people tell him he won't be able to do it, he just tries harder, so he was trying to give me his version of a 'boot-camp' workout (he's in the military) and I just flat out told him, "but why would I even try if no one thinks I can?"

I try to use the whole, I want the beach body as my motivation, but frankly it just doesn't work! So starting tomorrow, i'm going to try a new workout that might be easier (in a sense) for me because it's not timed or whatever. I'm going to start my circuit training workout (run a lap, do twenty pushups and situps, and repeat).

So here's my question, what is everyone's motivation for wanting to lose weight? I would really love to hear. :)


  • xdudeitsliz
    my motivation is to fit into a single digit wedding dress & single digit jeans. I have NEVER been a single digit before, ever!!
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    To feel good about my body again. I felt lazy and sluggish and I wanted to feel better. Also, to see if I'll ever be a size 4 again, but if I can't get quite there, I'll be ok too and know that I tried my hardest ( having a baby can permanently change the width of your hips, for some women, not all). I also want to be proud of myself and set a good example for my daughter to eat well and stay active.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I am a very competitve person so once my mother started loosing weight I knew I had to do it better then her. I also have a sister and friends that are super in shape running marathons and tri-athalons and they are very encouraging to me to loose weight. My friend and I tend to compare our work out routines the next day and it feels good when she is empressed by what I do.

    It has taken me a few years to get to the place where I was ready to loose the weight. It is also a very mental thing in being ready to take on change your life from where you were. Not all work out programs are for everyone you need to find one that you like.
  • kelli_panzera
    My motivation is my future and my kids. I used to work out a lot, and hard. I didn't see results and i got frustrated and quit. What has worked for me is the heart rate monitor and working out at 65-75 percent of my max heart rate. I'm not worn out and I have a definite goal in mind every day when I work that rate i'm burning fat and not doing straight up cardio...i'm losing inches and pounds and feeling amazing this time around. I don't care what anyone else thinks of me, but people are so stunned at the fact that i've finally figured it out and i'm making such a big looks, my outlook, everything is much more positive!! What do you want for yourself? I've finally realized that i don't want to go through my life trying to make everyone else happy- I want to make the best of what I have, right now! I want to have fun, I want to be fit, and I want to be strong. I don't want to be the chick that sits around saying, i don't understand why i'm fat...I don't know why this is happening to me....I want to be the one my friends look at and say "DAMN!! LOOK AT HER GO!!"