ok, now im seriously done.

AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss

NOW, Im upset............ Im so pissed off and just plain frustrated and upset.

so, here i am, working my *kitten* off to lose weight, working out everyday, limit my caloric intake....this morning i get on the scale and i GAINED a pound.....(see the " im so upset post for that)...

My husband, whom i adore to pieces, has to be one of the most insensitive f*ckers that i know sometimes. this is a man, that literally, sits on his rear end, ALL day, eats anything he wants, does NOTHING and he just comes out and tells me that he weighed himself and hes lost 8 pounds in TWO WEEKS....im ready to kill him.........THEN he says to me, when i get (understandably) upset "see, this is why i dont share things with you."


Im ready to cry.


  • jewelinvic
    jewelinvic Posts: 332
    :flowerforyou: i'm sorry {{{hugs}}}}
  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    it might be muscle weight gain. Dont give up, sometimes it takes awhile for the pounds to start coming off. Also who are you doing this for....... you!
  • msdawn15
    msdawn15 Posts: 26
    It is frusrtating!!!. i can tell you from experience that if you watch your caloric intake and exercise 6 days a week...the weight will come off. It really will!!
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    how often are you weighing in?
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Don't let those little ups and downs of the scale get you down. I ready in a recent article that weight can fluctuate as much as 5 pounds a day due to water weight, sodium, the weight of food eaten.....Men can be so frustrating with weight loss they seem to lose it so much easier. I think it has to do with their muscle mass and testosterone. I feel bad that your husband is not supportive. Maybe if you tell him how his attitude affects you it may help. My husband and I are doing this together so the support is great, but he still seems to have an easier time losing the pounds.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Men don't get PMS.
  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
    how often are you weighing in?

    every couple of days when i get time. sometimes every day...i know i know, dont weigh in everyday....
  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
    It is frusrtating!!!. i can tell you from experience that if you watch your caloric intake and exercise 6 days a week...the weight will come off. It really will!!

    i AM doing that. i work out EVERYDAY for an hour at a time...luckily my gym is open pretty much 24 hours a day. so, even though i worked out already today, ( they close at 7 on sat and sunday but reopen at midnight on monday mornings), as soon as the gym opens up, im planning on going again. especially now since i ate mcdonalds for dinner and after that little tidbit of him loosing weight...
  • kriskat
    kriskat Posts: 2
    I am in the same exact situation. It is terribly irritating and I know right now you don't want to hear that it could be muscle weight or water retention, etc. But I have been exercising for a while and in about a weeks time, if you keep doing what you're doing you will see a very pleasurable result on the scale. Keep up what you're doing!!!
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    how often are you weighing in?

    every couple of days when i get time. sometimes every day...i know i know, dont weigh in everyday....

    i weigh in every day, i try not to, but i am SO curious to see where i'm at from day to day....i only count my weight on one day though. Monday morning---about a half hour after I wake up. Tuesday when I wake up---sometimes I am more than 4 pounds heavier....Wednesday when I go to bed, I could be 5 pounds heavier! DOn't beat yourself up---just think of a day/time that you can weigh in weekly and count that one!!

    you are being healthy and loosing weight, dont worry about your hubby....maybe he isn't drinking enough water and thats all water weight! my hubby is the same way, he could just sit there and loose 10 pounds like that! totally not fair, and i wish that was the case for me. he's actually trying to gain weight---wish i could just give my extra weight, and then everone would be happy! LOL
  • karen366
    karen366 Posts: 141
    Sure seeing that scale go down is exciting, but that is just a portion of the whole picture. I would rather see an inch or more disappear than see a pound leave the scale. I would rather see my clothes getting more loose. I would rather see myself doing one more jumping jack than I was able to yesterday. The scale is just a fraction of those small successes we see everyday. I can stand on the scale right now and I would probably be a different weight than I was this morning. So much factors into what we see on the scale...place your focus on the whole picture and you may be surprised on how much you have accomplished...
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    Sure seeing that scale go down is exciting, but that is just a portion of the whole picture. I would rather see an inch or more disappear than see a pound leave the scale. I would rather see my clothes getting more loose. I would rather see myself doing one more jumping jack than I was able to yesterday. The scale is just a fraction of those small successes we see everyday. I can stand on the scale right now and I would probably be a different weight than I was this morning. So much factors into what we see on the scale...place your focus on the whole picture and you may be surprised on how much you have accomplished...


    Also, once you're done your venting, let it go and move on. Focus on what you have done right and what you are going to continue to do to stay on track and reach your goals. Don't focus on the number on the scale because it is not tied to your overall happiness. :) Good luck!
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    don't weigh yourself every day and eat your exercise calories.
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Sorry folks - this is, I know, irresponsible to quote a study that you can't provide a source for - however - a recent study showed that people who weigh themselves every day do better at weight loss than those who weigh once a week.

    If you make me, I'll go back and find the original info in the thread. I just felt so un-neurotic when I read it that I use it whenever I can. I look at how I'm trending (like a stock) so I don't freak out over small spikes in weight.

    I think plateaus are about calming down, remembering it's about fitness - not skinniness - breathing, etc. etc. I'm in my 3rd week of a plateau and I really see it as an opportunity to take a look around (that's what you do on plateaus, isn't it? you look out at the scenery and the horizon. I don't visit many plateaus though, I just have them, so the metaphor may be way wrong.

    But it's way more than the simplistic "calories in, calories out" It's quality and quantity of sleep. It's drinking nice clean water. It's taking care of yourself and not feeling deprived - giving your body what it needs to thrive, it's feeling strong and healthy and trusting your body to do what you need it to do.

    sorry. I got a little carried away:blushing: but don't ya think it's true??
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    Sorry folks - this is, I know, irresponsible to quote a study that you can't provide a source for - however - a recent study showed that people who weigh themselves every day do better at weight loss than those who weigh once a week.

    If you make me, I'll go back and find the original info in the thread. I just felt so un-neurotic when I read it that I use it whenever I can. I look at how I'm trending (like a stock) so I don't freak out over small spikes in weight.

    I think plateaus are about calming down, remembering it's about fitness - not skinniness - breathing, etc. etc. I'm in my 3rd week of a plateau and I really see it as an opportunity to take a look around (that's what you do on plateaus, isn't it? you look out at the scenery and the horizon. I don't visit many plateaus though, I just have them, so the metaphor may be way wrong.

    But it's way more than the simplistic "calories in, calories out" It's quality and quantity of sleep. It's drinking nice clean water. It's taking care of yourself and not feeling deprived - giving your body what it needs to thrive, it's feeling strong and healthy and trusting your body to do what you need it to do.

    sorry. I got a little carried away:blushing: but don't ya think it's true??

    self-monitoring itself is really beneficial. however, i would beg to differ, and research is sometimes flawed so this one study alone has hopefully been replicated. the problem i think with weighing everyday, as most people already said on here, is that weight fluctuates. if you are not accurately self-monitoring it can eff your whole process up and not to mention make you feel like **** enough to fall off that wagon.
  • astrosnider
    astrosnider Posts: 151 Member
    Like you, I have been frustrated at how little weight I am losing even though I work out vigorously almost every day and am eating a lot less than I used to. What I am trying today is not working out for a change. I just took it easy, and I think I was a little less hungry than usual. I went slightly over the 1,200-calorie limit for non-exercise days. I'll be back at the gym tomorrow, but I'm going to try occasional rest days and see if it helps shake up my body into shedding some weight.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member

    I so get your anger & frustration. I blogged about this very same thing last week - feel free to see my blog post "angry" to see what I mean. I haven't lost a pound either and my weight goes anywhere from 132-138 on any given day. Here's the up... measure! I FINALLY lost 1/2" in the last week - that's one, two is I've noticed muscular definition that wasn't there before. Have I lost fat? No.. not yet.

    A couple of things that I've learned to watch for:
    sodium intake
    water retention
    daily flux's
    bowel movements (I know.. seemingly TMI, but it does have an effect!)
    and of course, every woman's favorite - TOM. lol...

    Oh yeah, did I mention that I've been here for about 6 weeks and this 1/2" is the ONLY indicator I've had in that time - when I'm reading about people losing 8 lbs in their first week!!??!!! Ugh. But, it's really not about weight loss... it's about fit-ness and health. Seriously.... I hope you keep going for it. :: hugs :: It will be worth it in the long run.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I found that I was working out too much and that slowed my weightloss. When I backed off to cardio 3 days a week and strength training 2 days a week the scale started moving. Everyone is different and you have to find what works and what doesn't work for you. There's no magical formula unfortunately.

    Weight can fluctuate A LOT during the day so keep that in mind.

    Are you measuring yourself with a tape measure?? I find that sometimes I lose inches but nothing happens on the scale.
  • durbanski
    durbanski Posts: 183 Member
    I'm sure its been sad but here goes. Bodies do weird things day to day. I never weigh myself more than once a week. Every woman I know struggles more than the average guy and its metabolic BS I agree. As others have said, it might be muscle tone since muscles weighs more than fat. Your body might be in overload from working out constantly.. In any event try not to get discouraged. Review your methods and mix it up may be able to get your body to restart the loss if you have plateaued if at all.

    Take care,

  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I am a serious scale hater, and lost my weight (2 yrs ago) with VERY little weighing. I found that if I was up 1 lb in a week, I would want to quit, so I quit weighing myself. I might recommend that you weigh yourself every month, and as long as you are genuining following the plan, you cannot NOT lose weight! Clean eating, workout out, rest, water - there is no way that you could not be successful over the long term.:smile:

    Sorry to hear you are frustrated.

    Oh, and your hubby - men are just like that! They are different machines than we are! My husband did his first phase of P90X, and in one month lost ALL of his weight, and had ripped abs. Not fair, but realitty.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
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