Can you drink diet coke and still lose weight?



  • acidosaur
    acidosaur Posts: 295 Member
    coca cola eats the calcium in our bones which can cause osteoporosis and other diseases, which is why it rots our teeth. I would steer clear of it and just drink water. I used to be a soda addict before I found out this! Hope this helps:)

    Nope. Not true. THAT is not why soda is not good for your's because of the acidity of soda. Do a quick water rinse of your mouth after drinking soda and all is good. Soda does not eat the calcium in your bones.

    I was under the impression that there was some evidence indicating high phosphorus content in diet drinks or sodas may correlate with lower bone density in greater life. See
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I drink plenty of Dt. Mt Dew and haven't died yet, and I'm losing weight. No calories.

    I'd drink diet coke over mountain dew (it contains BVO - brominated vegetable oil, which in small quantities seems harmless enough but there have been a number of instances of serious health problems for people drinking excessive quantities. It's GRAS rating was withdrawn by the FDA in 1970 and it's been been on an interim status ever since. And I'm not a tinfoil hat scaremonger)

    To the OP: drinking diet soda of any kind will not impede your weight loss and much of the scarier research resulted from feeding mice quantities of artificial sweetener that a human simply could not consume.
  • trackmyday1973
    trackmyday1973 Posts: 393 Member
    I drink 1 pepsi max a day 591 ml bottle and losing weight :)

    I use to drink three bottles a just one :)
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Unless your Diet Coke has calories in it, you won't gain weight from it, with the possible temporary exception of water weight.
  • anaDorsin
    Diet or normal, Coke is just not healthy.
  • langurmonkey
    I drink litres of diet coke and other diet drink and have lost 50kg, so yes.
  • harpmark
    harpmark Posts: 5 Member
    Ok this is my general opinion.
    Anything in moderation is FINE.
    The chemicals in diet sodas are not healthy for you in high consumption nor is the non-diet sodas.
    I've seen people lose weight including myself with diet soda in their diets.
    You obviously want to consume mostly water.
    Everyone has some kind of a hate opinion towards this and I can understand your beliefs and probably legit resources although I have not seen anything horrible go wrong with drinking something like diet dr. pepper while trying to lose weight. Yes you might get bloated from the carbonation. Although if you do not have some kind of tasty consumption that you have ONCE in a while while dieting you are losing weight you will more than likely to go insane and just stop altogether.
    This is my two cents coming from someone that use to be a 300lb kid.

  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I lost ~35 pounds drinking 1-2 cans of diet pop a day.
  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    Yeah this thread gave me a craving for a Diet Mt. Dew.

    damn it.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member

    Now I'm IN for more fear mongering.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I drink 1-3 diet cokes/day and I haven't had trouble losing weight. :flowerforyou:
  • kanadian_bear
    I've been drinking Diet Coke forever and so far it hasn't affected my weight loss in a negative way. If its the carbonation you crave however (which I find it is for me) I would recommend Life Brand flavored water. My favorite is the Cranberry Raspberry. It does the trick every time.
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    If you are drinking diet coke while eating a 1300 calorie Burger King meal, then NO, you won't lose weight.:wink:

    Unless your calorie goal is over 1,300 - WINK.

    Yes you totally can. There's a lot of hating on diet or zero Coke, but, really, as long as you're not chugging gallon upon gallon on a daily basis and you're still drinking plenty of water, it's not going to hurt you.
  • runningvegan
    I stopped drinking all forms of caffeine because it stains my teeth, but it will not have an affect on your weight loss.
  • SkinnyFatAlbert
    SkinnyFatAlbert Posts: 482 Member
  • RipperSB
    RipperSB Posts: 315 Member
    Hi guys! :smile:

    I am new to MFP and was just looking to know if it is healthy to drink one can of diet coke per day? My friend is at slimming world and she says that you can drink as much as you want when losing weight.. However, after doing some online research I have found some sites saying it is extremely unhealthy due to the extra chemicals used etc! Would be most grateful for your comments as im extremely confused lol x

    I usually have 1-3 cans of Diet Coke / day and had no troubles either losing the weight or maintaining.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    There is nothing beneficial about diet sodas.

    Disagree 100%. I actually credit diet soda for helping me lose weight, and find it actually helps address potential cravings I have.
  • meschellrigs
    I have lost 65 lbs in about 9 months and drink diet coke like its water. I do stay at 1200 calories and drink water and exercise 5- 6 days a week.. but If im gonna eat that little and work out that hard, Im gonna have my diet coke! :)