Struggling with some feelings about weight loss

I have started losing weight and within like two weeks I give up dozens of times. This time is different I don't know why. It's different in how I feel, how I look at my working out.
Does anyone else struggle with the following?
1) guilt after splurging? I blew my calories in Friday and I felt terrible!
2) I have to restrain myself from working out everyday I feel as if I don't work out ill all of a sudden become fat in one day.
3) panic at not being to correctly measure food and such?
4) obsessively adding up calories in your head all day? I can't look at something thinking "that's got to be about XXX calories"

I'm doing so well, 4 inches and (it's was 15 lbs now I'm gained 3 back) but I feel obsessive and I can't tell if it's a good thing or a bad thing! I feel like my whole way of thinking is changing.


  • RoseMay1122
    I only get the last one, and when I found myself debating a 10cal americano at a coffee shop or the 280cal hot chocolate I had deliberately walked there to treat myself with, I told myself not to be silly and have the hot chocolate. I think you have to learn to recognise when the thoughts are telling you 'no, you don't need it' and when they're telling you 'no, it doesn't fit into your calories'. For me, the latter is the obsessive bit and I try to stamp on it. That way madness lies!
  • jkleon86
    jkleon86 Posts: 245 Member
    WOW! I think that is awesome. I've read through the years people that has lost lots of weight has have some event or something to click that changed everything and got then in gear . I have never had that moment so every day is such a struggle for me.
    Good luck as long as it last make use of it don't fear it .:wink:
  • LJA1968
    LJA1968 Posts: 516 Member
    I have started losing weight and within like two weeks I give up dozens of times. This time is different I don't know why. It's different in how I feel, how I look at my working out.
    Does anyone else struggle with the following?
    1) guilt after splurging? I blew my calories in Friday and I felt terrible!
    2) I have to restrain myself from working out everyday I feel as if I don't work out ill all of a sudden become fat in one day.
    3) panic at not being to correctly measure food and such?
    4) obsessively adding up calories in your head all day? I can't look at something thinking "that's got to be about XXX calories"

    I'm doing so well, 4 inches and (it's was 15 lbs now I'm gained 3 back) but I feel obsessive and I can't tell if it's a good thing or a bad thing! I feel like my whole way of thinking is changing.

    Ok I'm going to try to answer your questions based on MY experience. Keep in mind we are all different. First of all, you are doing great, keep it up and be proud of yourself.

    1) Splurging every now and then is a must for me or I will completely fall off the wagon (so to speak). Don't feel guilty for indulging. You can't cut out everything you enjoy on a permanent basis.

    2) Why not work out each day? I choose to do some form of exercise or moving each and every day. Not so much to "gain" extra food calories, but because I love how I feel when I move.

    3) With food measuring, your best friend should be a food scale. I use mine all the time. After a while you will get to know the approximate size of servings so that if you are out you can further out your calories. If you don't have any way to measure because you aren't at home, then guess a little bit higher. You will do just fine

    4) By all means look at foods and try to think how many calories are in it. This keeps you on your toes. You can then decide if having that treat is worth it and whether you have room for it. In the end if it's something you really want a taste of, then have a taste. One bite won't ruin all your efforts.

    Again, remember these thought are based on my experiences and I think I'm doing quite well. I weigh in tomorrow and should be at my 1/2 way mark. 40 out of 80 lbs. I started getting serious in july of 2012 so I know I'm right on track. Averaging 1.25 lbs per week. I live by what I've told you above. Please feel free to friend me if you want to. Best wishes for you and your journey.