Calorie Intake Too Low?

Hey fellow MFP's :)

I haven't been here long so I guess I'm a bit of a n00b.
Just wondered if there are many of you that eat way below your recommended calorie intake?
I keep getting that little message at the end of the day, highlighted in RED text so you know they mean that shiit, (lol) that tells me my intake is far too low. It's like having your intefering grandmother sitting next to you, the one that's the first tell you that your face looks drawn after losing 2lbs. lol
I don't feel I'm starving myself, I'm not feeling hungry or anything. I eat three meals a day and I'm not really into snacking between times.
Do you think I should be eating more or just carrying on in my own sweet way? Feel free to look at my food diary.

Hope you're all doing well and slowly watching those lbs drop off :)

Sarah x


  • V79F
    V79F Posts: 12 Member
    Looking at your diary I do think your intake is too low. With the amount you exercise you should be taking in more calories. You're eating less than your goal amount without exercise while you're burning over 500 calories about daily.

    I do often end up under my goal, but never more than 100-150 cals under my daily goal, and if I exercise I'll definitely always end up over my daily base goal (and pretty close to my daily goal with exercise calories.)
    If I look at your diary, you're setting yourself up for health problems/ eating disorder. So either tone down the exercise, or, much better, eat more healthy stuff in addition to your 3 super light meals a day. 300 cals for breakfast and lunch would be good. Or add in a smoothie/healthy shake at some point during the day.

    Looking at your diary, for instance last Thursday, you ate less than 1100 calories, burned more than 500 with exercise, so you netted under 600 calories for your body to actually function. That's really really not enough. Even worse, the 6th of Feb, you ate just over 700 cals, and burned 560 cals, that left you with about 150 calories to be used for things like breathing and pumping your blood. That's really, literally, starving yourself.

    Please, please eat more!
  • Thanks V79F for the advice.
    I might try to up my intake a little bit, it just seems so counter productive eating when my body isn't telling me to do so.
    Makes me wonder how I ever got to 250lbs in the first place. Must have been the Pringles :D
    Cheers again. Happy Sunday!
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Way too low-you can add lots healthy delicious stuff and still come out under your calories but not by that much. If I ate that little and exercised the way I do, I would be a binge machine. Not to mention IMO you are depriving your body of much needed nutrients.