
So I have found recently that I LOVE Tilapia, so I googled it and the benefits of eating fish. What I read was a bunch of mixed reviews. I read that its worse than eating burger or bacon, I also read that it doesnt have the Omegas for your heart , and some places said that it is good for you. Anyone have a thought on this? I figure it is fish, and not a nasty burger so it has to be good some how?!

A friend made it for me a week ago and it was good, but when I made it, it was better! Sorry Angie!

Anyway, I baked it topped with a little butter, lemon slices, pepper, crushed red pepper, cajun seasoning, and a little parmasean. Ate it with cauliflower and broccoli, and a serving of cottage cheese, and it was delish! Absolutely without a doubt my new favorite meal! The bites with a little bit of lemon were awesome!

Yum!!!!!!!! I want to eat it everyday! Okay, I got my point across, its great. :)

The best part! The whole meal was only 297 calories! and very filling!


  • somigliana
    somigliana Posts: 314 Member
    Well, it's a white fish, so it isn't going to have the fat content and associated omegas that e.g. salmon or sardines have, no, but white fish is certainly a good low calorie source of protein. I've never seen tilapia sold in this part of the world, but I imagine that dory, gurnard and hoki are all much of a muchness compared to it.

    Your dinner sounded delicious! I like my white fish baked in tinfoil with lemon, sliced tomato and onion. Yum.
  • irunwithscissors
    irunwithscissors Posts: 89 Member
    yummmm..........tomato and onion, I will have to try that! Thanks for your thoughts!
  • jmjones2002
    Go to www.mealmakeovermoms.com and go to recipes..Under seafood there's one for almond-crusted tilapia..It was very yummy and even my kiddos ate it up..I served it with roasted asparagus(rub extra light olive oil over it and sprinkle some minced garlic on it and bake 20mins then squeeze some lemon juice over it) and oven roasted potatoes too..This meal was delicious:-) We love fish..We even like to grill orange roughy that has been marinated in italian dressing..and of course you can't go wrong with salmon!
  • AlyssaStarr
    I am a kitchen manager, and deal with alot of fish and proteins...from what I know about tilapia, is that it is high in omega 6 fatty acids which consumed in large amounts are not that great for you. We get omega 6 in a lot of foods we don't even realize. Plus, tilapia is higher in mercury. If you are eating it every once in awhile, I wouldn't fret about it. Fish that are high in omega 3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatories and help prevent blood clots in the blood, you can find those omegas in salmon.

    However, yes, the fish is definitely lower in fat and calories than a nice fat juicy burger! hehe...

    Hope this helped :-)