Scale goes down but I see no difference

Hi everyone. I went from 146 to 136...and I look in the mirror and see absolutely no difference. My pants feel the same. I just don't get it..I see the scale went down and for once its not just water weight I lost...I actually lost some fat - but my stomach looks the same and my pants still are comfortably plastered on my butt.

Anyone experiencing this or have advice?


  • melodymedlin
    melodymedlin Posts: 254 Member
    I kinda have the same problem. I've went from 273 to 264 and I only see a slight difference. When I started measurements it showed a huge difference. I think we are our own worset enemies!!!! We are critical of how we look. I think you should take a deep breathe continue to work hard and i'm sure next month you'll see a diffrence. I looked through old pictures and I can see a difference in my face. :) Sorry I really couldn't help you; I just wanted you to know your not alone.
  • mum212
    mum212 Posts: 173 Member
    ive lost 12bs in 5 weeks and didnt see a difference take a picture at every 10lbs loss you will see it x
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    see my ticker? yeah no difference!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Why rely on the scale to monitor your progress? I gave up weighing about 40 pounds ago. I use measurements (1X a month) and pictures on the first day of the month. Plus, what you lose at first, unfortunately, is mostly water weight. You need to concentrate on losing body fat. Check out this link and get your numbers right for losing fat - not weight. Unless you want to carry your scales around and let people see that you're losing - very inconvenient. Let your size speak for itself! People will notice that! Good luck.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Thats because scales suck. They only show a number. They don't represent progress made with your fitness, only show a portion of your fat loss, don't show you losing inches. I generally dislike my scales. They are the bane of my life. But yep I still use them as they do tend to give me a kick in the *kitten* when I need one. I don't live and die by them by any means though. If they help motivate you cool, use them, but if they make you feel crap, chuck them and get the measuring tape out!