hi everyone from the west were the crabs are the best

hi everyone introducing myself here name is Jacqui im 55 next month and i live in mandurah western australia crab city lol we have the crab fest here every year which is awesome.
i have been like probably most of you on the yo yo diet train for a longgggg time and tried and failed so many times. sometimes losing up to 10 kilos but then putting it back on again.
yup ive tried them all i did find optifast worked for a while but as you see with all off them they get so boring and the pills and shakes just dont cut it after a while.
Body trim i found was good i did lose 10 kilos on that and was doing really well but went off by xmas a few years ago and then couldnt get myself back onto the swing of things its just so hard getting everything to come together.
i have now started seeing a naturapath who has shed some light on some of my ailments. one is i have always retained fluid so were working on that. fingers x everything comes together. ive also got some green coffee beans that Dr Oz had on his show anyone had any results with this . or another fad you thing.?????

Anyway what i have learnt though over the years is A perservatives are a definite NO NO with me i get hyped up and shaky if i have them, they are in everything though so its hard to work out.tomatoe paste the worst and 621 which is in most pkt soups its a flavor enhancer.
bodytrim was the only one really that i found if i followed i felt fantastic, i think its the pureness of the food we eat it comes down to cave man style NO PRESERVATIVES and my body loves it. so now basically since finding this site ive found it great it keeps me in check to what im eating and makes me accountable. LOVE IT ,
just hoping now i can work out how to get the carbs down and work this with bodytrim style eating and hopefully ill win this war once and for all.


  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Lemon juice, salt, sugar, alcohol, vinegar and oil are all preservatives. Good luck!
  • clubbylicious
    thanks for that its hard to know what are preservatives but i guess sometimes there just hidden in things.. but ohh well take out as many as possibly can here
  • Kalait
    Started with Fitbit yesterday after the scales hit 190, wanting off the blood pressure medication, and want to better enjoy the great outdoors. Started this morning with MyFitness Pal, after reading a thread on Fitbit community.