Emotional binge took over last night...



  • drhall1970
    You eat way under your goal on most days and exercise very hard. The exercise is great but if you eat at too low a deficit then your body will compensate. Like holding your breath too long and you gasp for air. I used to think my binges were a sign of my weakness but once I learned to eat enough and try not to lose everything all at once, my binge urges haves subsided and I've learned to recognize them as my body correcting my poor (too low) choices. Be patient and consistent as been the best formula for me.

    Keep up the focus and learn to embrace how your body actually works instead of making it contort itself to your preconceptions. Ur bodies are fantastic machines if driven smartly.
  • drhall1970
    Great advice, Alienrite!
  • greatmom2
    greatmom2 Posts: 95 Member
    Mine is more not thinking than emotional. I just got back from Sonic and had a medium Sonic Reese's Blast with my family. (Getting ice cream out is a very rare treat, hence the reason I had no idea the calories!!!) I usually enter my food before I eat it but neglected to this time. 1200 calories!!!! With breakfast and this one ice cream treat I am already on the negative side of calories!! Exercise here I come! :)
    I have found though that by logging it all in as you have, I have been able to detect bad eating choices although I still make them from time to time. The past few days have been terrible for me! I also have to watch my sodium intake as well since I tend to eat things high in sodium.
    Don't let that get you down! As long as you try, try, try again, you are going to get better at managing your emotions and eating.