Over 50 and on a mission

Wanting to add friends. My husband and I joined about 2 weeks ago and after reading some boards I would like to add people for motivation who have open diary... Sharing diary helps with ideas for what new ideas on healthy food


  • sab1157
    sab1157 Posts: 38 Member
    Hello. I am 55 and would love to lose 15-20 lbs. MUCH more difficult than when I was younger. New to MFP, but have used another online food/fitness diary. I need motivation to keep on track with my eating habits, but mostly to work out with weights at home. I have no trouble getting 10,000 steps or dancing for exercise. Just the arms, legs, abs exercises. Gah! Never had this problem before. Maybe because I was working full time and had to "schedule" everything. Now retired, and schedule nothing. :smile: Willing to be a MFP friend if you are.