New year beginner check in

Hey, just had my 6week check and I've lost 9 lb and 1 1/2 inch on my waist

wondering how everyone else is getting on?

Are you ahead or behind your target?


  • pamelalk
    pamelalk Posts: 70 Member
    good for you thats awsome, obviously you are doing something right...keep up the good work. i am sorry to say i am not being sucessful with my new years resolution.. i am struggling to lose that 13 pounds gained during the month of December celebrating, down 5 but thought i would have been further along by now.
  • Jayeskay
    Jayeskay Posts: 10 Member
    Well done. Haven't done measurements yet, but 11lbs off which I'm very pleased with!

    I have noticed that I'm gradually allowing more 'relaxed' days though....must keep an eye on that and make sure I don't go too far! Still logging everything, even on those days, and being appalled at myself when I'm 1000 over for a day helps - I just try to make sure I'm on target for the week as a whole - seems to be working so far!
  • Jane_1705
    Jane_1705 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi. I also started similar time to you so I have been on here 6 weeks.

    Body fat down 4% which was my main goal. Waist down 2.5 inches hips are the same. Weigh in tomorrow morning but baking biscuits with my daughter right now so self control will be a challenge today. 10lb loss so
    far and should be another 1lb this week.

    Well done on your progress so far looking forward to your next check in
  • xlipservicex
    xlipservicex Posts: 54 Member
    My weigh in is tomorrow evening but as of last week I was down 17lbs, 23.75" and body fat down 8%. Still a ways to go but it's a start!
  • theresa_ann
    theresa_ann Posts: 27 Member
    i started (again) with the new year as well. as of friday 2/8/13, i have lost 19.8#, 13 total inches, and 3.5% body fat. i am starting to feel better about myself, can move alittle bit easier and am having less pain.

    everyone on this thread so far is doing GREAT! i have seen quite a few people on MFP since the beginning of the year really working hard to meet their goals and doing a wonderful job! :)

    i am always happy to have new friends and try to be a good motivater. if anyone would like to add me feel free. :)
  • rsjohnb
    rsjohnb Posts: 215 Member
    Superb! everyone looks like we are all on the right path. I'm going to have a KFC to celebrate..... just kidding!