Early AM work out

Hey guys! I have been working out early morning for the past couple of days. I realized I cannot work out on an empty stomach otherwise I get really lightheaded and cannot continue. Is a glass of milk and a pb&j sandwich too much before working out? What are some snack options for before working out that are fulfilling as well?
I started working out intensely this past week and controlled my diet but when I checked my weight, it said I gained two pounds instead :(. Any ideas of what could be the issue?


  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Banana with peanut butter, or a small tub of cottage cheese, is what I used to have before working out.
    Weight gain will most likely be water retention because you started working out intensely.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    Anything high in protein is good before a workout.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    I don't like to eat before my workout...it makes me feel a little nauseous to have stuff in my stomach then...but if you needit, by all means, eat a protein snack!
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    Iv got 2 kids who are up at 6am so I like to do my workout about 7-8am when theyre quiet and watching tv with breakfast. Most times Il workout on an empty stomach but if Im really hungry when I wake up I eat then wait an hour or more for it to settle. I hate working out and being too weak to carry on and give it my all.