not sure how to burn lots of calories...?



  • Rehobobound
    Rehobobound Posts: 143 Member
    Don't worry about calorie burn per se. Focus on a good effective workout. You burn what you burn. The point isn't to get a huge calorie burn. The point is to get fit and obtain a good body composition.

    This is what I've decided is the best course lately. The scale is a fickle thing, the tape measure, not so much.
  • A really tough workout for me only burns about 500-600 calories. In fact that's about all I burn most days and I work my butt off. I agree, just get a good workout in and don't worry about the numbers :)
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    You only have about 30 lbs to lose as a goal. This means you do not need to burn a tremendous amount of exercise calories. You could simply focus on weight training 3 to 4 days a week with a few 20 minute interval runs while eating a slight deficit (300 caloriesbelow actual TDEE). You also state you recovered from an ED; how long have you been eating the maximum amount of calories to maintain your weight prior to reducing calories again? I ask because some girls may recover all their weight back but do not give their Resting Metabolic Rate sufficient time to increase back to optimal levels before restricting again.