How long do I "give Road Map a try"

For 1 week, I've eaten a higher number of calories per the Road Map system. I've weighed AND measured this morning and NOT 1 THING has changed. I also started Insanity at the same time, and I was truly expecting to see something with the measuring tape (not necessarily with the scale).

I just don't want to waste time eating at a higher calorie if it's not going to pay off. I was losing weight at my lower calories, but looked into road map as I was feeling exceptionally tired, and thought more food might be the answer BUT I will be happy to stay tired if it means I can keep losing weight....

Any advice about how long to give this a try - if staying the same weight/size is typical at the beginning etc.



  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    Dan says in one of his threads about it that people frequently don't see results in a week- especially if you were doing lower cals for awhile. Regardless of the plan you try, one week isn't long enough to evaluate effectiveness.
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    I could have written this exact post but i gave it two more weeks and BAM. Hgher weightloss than i have ever seen! Keep at it!
  • Iron_Duchess
    Iron_Duchess Posts: 429 Member
    One week is no enough time. I'll give it at least 3 to 4 weeks and then revise your strategy. Also, remember that with the TDEE method you are no supposed to eat your exercise calories back unless you are netting below BMR. Good luck
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I tried it for 30 days before re-weighing and measuring. got off a 4 month plateau and started losing...still losing 6 months later.
  • lorindaleigh
    lorindaleigh Posts: 87 Member
    For 1 week, I've eaten a higher number of calories per the Road Map system. I've weighed AND measured this morning and NOT 1 THING has changed. I also started Insanity at the same time, and I was truly expecting to see something with the measuring tape (not necessarily with the scale).

    I just don't want to waste time eating at a higher calorie if it's not going to pay off. I was losing weight at my lower calories, but looked into road map as I was feeling exceptionally tired, and thought more food might be the answer BUT I will be happy to stay tired if it means I can keep losing weight....

    Any advice about how long to give this a try - if staying the same weight/size is typical at the beginning etc.


    It took me 3 weeks. On week 3 I lost 11 pounds, which was more than enough to make up for 5 weeks let alone the three.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    This isn't a race to the finish's a journey. A journey where you make small changes along the way, learning from your mistakes. Some days are focused and easy, other days are a fight. But whatever the journey, it has got be about lifelong changes. It's got to be sustainable. Calories are not your enemy, the quality of the food you eat is. Take it one day at a time. Love yourself enough to care about what you are eating and drinking. And exercise, find something you love, find something that frees you!!!
  • brownie0424
    brownie0424 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm so glad I saw this post. I am a week into my road map and haven't lost anything. I just gonna keep on keepin' on :laugh:
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    For 1 week, I've eaten a higher number of calories per the Road Map system. I've weighed AND measured this morning and NOT 1 THING has changed. I also started Insanity at the same time, and I was truly expecting to see something with the measuring tape (not necessarily with the scale).

    I just don't want to waste time eating at a higher calorie if it's not going to pay off. I was losing weight at my lower calories, but looked into road map as I was feeling exceptionally tired, and thought more food might be the answer BUT I will be happy to stay tired if it means I can keep losing weight....

    Any advice about how long to give this a try - if staying the same weight/size is typical at the beginning etc.


    It took me 3 weeks. On week 3 I lost 11 pounds, which was more than enough to make up for 5 weeks let alone the three.

    Amazing loss! For me the first week i stayed the same, second week i lost half a pound and the third i lost 2.5 pounds. I would love an 11 lb week though!
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    Insanity could be causing a bit of fluid retention as the muscles try to repair themselves as well. I've had the same issue with starting 30 Day Shred. I'm now at Day 13 and am seeing the wieght come off, and have lost a bit around the waist.

    Stick with it, and keep an eye on your measurements for a better analysis of progress.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I have been at it about a week and only loss maybe a pound, don't give up, it will happen, patience is a virtue, good luck!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Definitely take photos and measurements, and stick with the plan for at LEAST 4 weeks, preferably longer. I started on the road map almost a year ago, and I'm so glad I did - great results with it.
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    It took me about 3 weeks. Week 1: gain 2 pounds, week 2: gain 1 pound, week 3: lost 4 pounds, week 4: lose 2 pounds. Just keep doing the right thing and it should begin to work in about a month
  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    Thank you for all the replies... just to be sure, 2 pounds/week is considered a healthy weight loss correct? Does road map suggest that it's too much/week?

    Thank you
  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    Thank you for all the replies... just to be sure, 2 pounds/week is considered a healthy weight loss correct? Does road map suggest that it's too much/week?

    Thank you
  • Pickypeggy
    Yesterday morning I weighed myself and saw .5 of a loss. I was really happy finally, then thus morning I weighed myself and I am up a pound. Yesterday I walked for 45+ minutes at 6:30 am, did 1 hr. of aquacise in the p.m., and went to my zumba class for 1 hr. in the evening.

    I did 15,000 steps yesterday and my fitbit report for last week said that I walked 39 miles last week.
    I exercise quite a bit thru the week. So tell me please why do I not loose weight? So I have read that muscles hold onto water etc. but come on since late October?

    This is my third week faithfully following the road map. I hope that I will see that number drop soon, I am slowly loosing faith in myself.