New to MyFitnessPal!

Hi there!

I just got this app 3 days ago and so far, I love it! It's really helping me to understand how many calories I actually take in per day, and how many I really need. Plus it's allowing me to make much better informed decisions about the foods I choose to eat.

I was just wondering if anyone else is new to this? I'm a total beginner to the app, and although I've been a Yo-Yo dieter for some time, I'm able to shift weight and then pile it back on :(

As it stands, I'm well into the obese range. I'm a decent height, so it's thankfully proportional, but I still have a long, long way to go before I'm happy in my body and I can do things without feeling self-conscious or being restricted by my size. I want to go skydiving and horseriding, but I'm too fat as it is! So these are my goals!

Just wanted to say hello, really!
