Looking for new friends

All4Norma Posts: 25 Member
edited January 12 in Motivation and Support
I'm a binge eater. I started losing weight almost two years ago now, lost around 30 pounds with little problem. Then a was about to hit the one year mark and I started binging like crazy. This has been going on for about a year now and I have gained half of the weight lost back. When I'm good at eating I'm really good, but when I'm bad, it's so bad. Right now it seems I go a couple days, binge, go a couple days, binge. There was a point I had been binge free for 70 days..but then of course, I binged. I'm feeling ugly and worthless and I'm sad most days. I find it hard to stay on track and take care of myself when I don't even like myself or my life right now. Why waste all this effort on somebody who's not worth it? That's how I feel. I don't have much support in my real life and just looking for others who are in the same boat and would like to support me and I'll do my best to support in return. I'm just a sad person and I don't want to be anymore! So if you want to friend me I'd love the extra support! Thanks!


  • AshyyMM
    AshyyMM Posts: 131
    do 2 very alike people make good motivational partners?? I feel like I just read everything exactly as I would have written it.. I lost nearly 40..gained 20ish back..for the same reasons basically... I spend alot of my nights crying especially when I feel like I've had a good week and the scale disagrees...
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