2013 Brides or Bridesmaids?

Anyone else trying to lose weight for a wedding/marriage this year? I'm going to be a bridesmaid for the first time ever at 50 years old! Crazy, right? I'm trying to get in shape because I want to look smokin' hot in the strapless dress... so, I'm doing Shakeology and 10-Minute Trainer. I eat high protein, low carb stuff. What are you doing and are you having success with it? What kinds of foods are you eating? Any great tips for flabby arms? Ugh. Hate my upper arms. Lost a bunch of weight and have loose skin. :( I'm having a hard time staying away from buttered popcorn. Haven't had any in a week and I'm craving it! What are you doing without? I want details! LOL


  • ashdawg8790
    ashdawg8790 Posts: 819 Member
    Getting married in June. Am hoping to gain information from this as well. :) As for me, I also try to eat high protein/high fiber, low(ish) carb... Drinking A LOT of water. I use my Kinect and walk my dog at the moment... Currently trying to set up a home gym with the future hubby :) Have you tried eating air popped popcorn without the butter? Or with sprinkling a little bit of flavoring on it? Because popcorn is a great low cal snack if you don't overdo the toppings... I am currently not going without anything as I am of the opinion that anything is okay in moderation!! Congrats, by the way, on the weight loss!!
  • sblake204
    sblake204 Posts: 458 Member
    I'm a bridesmaid in a wedding in hot MIA in May.
    Trying to drop another 10lbs, so I look good in a bikini for the prior wedding events..lol
    If you're trying to shape your arms, I would suggest u incorporate weight training and cardio w your diet.
    Weight training will help tighten up some of that looseness.
    Good luck u can do it!!
  • MuddyEquestrian
    MuddyEquestrian Posts: 366 Member
    Hey there! I am the Maid of Honor at my mom's wedding in April. It's super close and I'm VERY close to my goal so I'm just maintaining so I can fit into my dress! I do a pretty balanced diet and just keep up the exercise. Planks, rows and deadlifts really help tone up your arms! They are my weak spot as well!
  • Adrini
    Adrini Posts: 56 Member
    Old friend getting married, I'm in the party. I got married last year and do not envy the stress and endless to-do's she's dealing with right now. Much better on the other side.
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    I'm going to be a bridesmaid in June at 8 months and one week pregnant! Obviously not trying to lose weight but still tracking and excercising to keep my weight gain within the recommended 25-35 pounds. I went a bit overboard my first pregnany so trying to be careful this time. I'm also doing strength training to keep arms from getting too flabby. Regardless I am going to have to get another dress as there is no way I'm going to squeeze a bump under the one I've got!
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    I'll be a bridesmaid for the first time in June. I'd be trying to get in better shape even if I wasn't, but still, it's nice to hope I'll look good in those wedding photos!
  • Lucia120382
    I will be bridesmaid in August to my best friend . Cant wait, maybe I should workout more but I will do it in May when I finish school.
  • dmeyrich89
    My wedding is in June and my dress fitting is April 6 I want to lose minimum of 10 to 15lbs by then!!! Crazy what getting married/ wedding will do to you. But I am using ViSalus to help. I haven't been very strict about diet so I have only lost 6lbs in a month but I know others that have lost 10+. I can use all the help I can get :)
  • CountryStrongNicole
    Matron of Honor in March for my sister's wedding! AND of course... a strapless dress! So my arms are out in front! GRRR! I had wanted to be to down another 12 pounds by then... not sure I will make it. I just got off a 6 month stall which I have learned was from the stress I was under for this class I had to take/pass for my job. Lost 5 pounds the night after I found out I passed my exam even after eating and celebrating! I have since dropped steadily even the few pounds I had gone up during that time. I am doing the Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 (in 3rd week)... then on to JM's 30 Day Shred. I am seeing great results. I also use blogiloties and body rock on the internet for a little bit more kick after the JM videos. I have a ball park number for me that I don't let my net calories go under if I workout that day. I drink a lot of water and unsweetened tea plus no soda. I do give myself days that I splurge... think those are totally needed to keep me on track and cash in on some foods that haunt me that I crave.
  • dmeyrich89
    Oh and if any brides wanna add me and we can support each other and share stressful moments feel free :) I love new friends!!
  • nakaiki
    nakaiki Posts: 180 Member
    Mother of the groom/matron-of-honor and the bride is a gorgeous Brazilian woman. I WILL NOT ruin the wedding photos!
  • mcflat29
    mcflat29 Posts: 2,159 Member
    Stuck being a bridesmaid... always a bridesmaid. And, given past history and my age group, I'm betting I'll have at least 3 weddings/special events to go to...
  • We're getting married in September, I am getting my measurements done for my dress in a few weeks, much as I know that's not a long time to make any real difference (I've only got 10lb I want to lose) it's good to have a goal! So we are both on a diet and fitness kick at the moment, it's really weird talking about calories and portion sizes after all the time we've been together not thinking about it, we're not takeaway junkies, and the majority of our food is made from scratch, it's portion control that's been the biggest shock! To be honest at the moment I'm just concentrating on being aware of what I'm eating, vegetables are a new thing for me in the last year, and I'm an absolute carb addict, with a mild white chocolate chip cookie obssession! So my diary isn't perfect, a lot of slips and bad choices, but it's immesurably better than it was!
  • rebeccaredgrave1
    Hi am new here, am Rebecca, 25 for Manchester.
    Am getting married on the 21st of June in Mexico,
    Looking for friends that can help me over the next few months.
    I have lost around 16 pounds since November and am looking to lose another 14-16 pounds, Which will bring me to around 110 hopefully. Then i get fat when i get pregnant hopefully haha, i found my dress and go for a fitting next month so exciting.
    How all your planing going?

    Beck x x
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Hey, I'm a bridesmaid for the first time in my big sister's wedding in March. I've got a strapless dress too and I already need to get it taken in (and up, it's long). Then I'm a bridesmaid again in Jan 2014. I'm going to be in another firend's wedding too but she hasn't set a date yet. Busy busy busy