SBF2 Reboot boogaloo...wk of March 29

lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Morning, pebbs...welcome to a new week (and in four days a new month).

Today's big goals:
Make a trip to Ikea (I love Ikea, because I am a nerd and have a Swedish heritage. I love tidy things.) to finish up my workspace re-vamp.

A trip to the gym, probably to ride one of the interactive spin bikes and stretch something. Since it's passover tonight, my normal boxing class is canceled. This week, due to holy week and passover, a lot of my gym's classes are canceled. If I go there tonight after sundown, I'll have the place to myself.

Also on tap: calling the doctor to get a full bloodwork deal, with special attention to anything that could cause me to be a normal weight but overfat (or anything that puts me at risk for). Alternately, he might just talk me out of worrying about that.

Scandinavian tidiness boogaloo.:flowerforyou:

also, new blog boogaloo.


  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Good morning, all. I like your goals, V! I did not make it to spin this morning. I am not doing well at all at getting to the gym like I should be. I'm thinking of either dropping my membership, or I think they have an option where you can go inactive for 3 months. I know I'll have to get the exercise in at home, and I have the stuff at home to do just that, but I'm afraid I won't follow through, and I have to exercise. Not sure what my problem is these days. Everything is fine, but I feel so blah. Feeling blah saps all of my energy. We are going up to visit my home town for a few days. maybe a few days at the beach will help.

    Trying to hang in, Boogaloo!

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Many gyms now have deals where you can pay as you go - so you can buy passes, usually in sets of 5 or 10. I think this is brilliant.

    So my yoga class was a no go because they were burning incense. I really hate that stuff. My husband pointed out that many classes ask people not to wear perfume, and here they were releasing a smoky perfume for all.

    Today - walk this morning, ride to yoga, and maybe teach yoga (teacher has a meeting that may go late). It's going into the upper 80s this week, as a gentle reminder that I live in Texas and better enjoy the outside while it's tolerable.

    I really want to go to the yoga journal conference in September - just have to work out: 1. how I will pay for it & 2. how I will manage to drive the 1000 miles alone. Oddly enough, I'm not sure I could put up with another yogi in the car for that long (because I could probably start mentioning in classes that I was looking to share a ride). Depends who it is, of course - but luck of the draw could be dangerous. I want it all and I want it all my way, dang it.:tongue:

    Warming up, boogaloo.

    ps - looks like I'm ready to move off the blocks
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning. :yawn: I have no idea why I am so tired. I slept well, except I dozed off and on for an hour before the alarm went off. Maybe that's it.
    Today is finger print day again. Let's see if technology works today and helps me bring my girl home!
    I already did all my house cleaning (except laundry which is an all day affair with me). The printing is at 11 so it will be lunch time when I get done there. I have decided to eat really light for breakfast and lunch because my stomach is messed up. I think I have had too much dairy. My lactose intolerance acts up when I'm under stress. So if I have time I will go for a walk with Alex, and then put him down for a nap. After that I will be sending out pictures of M through regular mail! If you want one PM me your address or send it to me on FB! :) DH told me not to stuff envelopes until AFTER my finger printing. I guess he's afraid I will rub more of my prints off. :laugh: I sure hope it works today! I found my finger prints from second grade and wondered if I should send those in! :laugh: We may just have to celebrate when they finally accept them!
    Keeping hopes high boogaloo!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Just think, MM - you could be the perfect criminal! Nobody could ever match your fingerprints! Well, maybe they have enough smudges now to figure you out. :wink: Hope it finally works out this time.
    Mary, I love your new picture. Awesome!
    Excellent blogs, V (I somehow missed the last one).
    Bobbie, I hope you start feeling less blah. I have times like that, too. I was just thinking that I barely use the Y any more - lately I've been running outside or on the treadmill at work, I haven't been making it to Zumba, and I haven't been doing any weights. But, I have a feeling that my husband might stop going if I tried to change the "family" membership to a single... and I do like the option of Zumba or swimming or other classes. I just haven't used it lately.

    I did pretty well last week avoiding desserts. I made brownies using black beans yesterday, and then brought the rest to work today so I wouldn't eat them. Whew! My plan is hopefully running tonight (it's getting late so probably treadmill) and then pushups. I am feeling tired, too - I stayed up too late last night reading "Born to Run". :bigsmile: Still too much going on at work.

    Born to run, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    Just a quick check-in before I leave for Zumba. (I'm dragging this a.m. due to being awake randomly from around 3 to 6 a.m. I'm doing that a lot lately...)

    Other than that, it's putting together Ikea stuff and continuing my rampage of spring cleaning. I'm on a hard-core living with less tear, which is good. I got rid of more than half of my clothes at the beginning of the year and I A: don't miss them and B: can easily find and love to wear all the clothes I have. Feb. was bathroom streamlining (trying to cure myself of the "this shampoo will turn me into a model instantly" idea) March has been home office. (sample...for no particular reason...I found over twenty unopened pads of post-its.) April will probably be the kitchen or a "storage closet" with all kinds of craziness in thing I found was a bag, receipt, box, etc. for a phone I bought five years ago..aka three cell phones ago.:noway:

    My other project for today is to hassle my beloved enough that he takes pics of equipment he promised to try to sell (before we moved here four years ago :grumble: ) and posts ads for them on craigslist.

    I want my apartment to be bigger, but I'll settle for having fewer items in it. Also, I've developed a strict "one in, one out" policy. I actually got rid of a purse last month. (trust me, that's huge. I actually still own a purse I got for a graduation present from high is a nice bag, in my defense)

    Declutter, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I'm going to finish my taxes today (almost done, but got something at the last minute that has to go in). Husband is going to a screening of "Clash of the Titans", so I might try a different yoga class tonight.

    I could really use some ego stroking right now. Here's the long story: last Monday an email was sent out to all the yoga instructors at the gym saying that the Sunday person was leaving and was anyone interested. I said I was. The director asked how much I made per hour, and I heard nothing after that. I sent an email yesterday asking about the status and was told they are interviewing someone for the job on Sunday. It took a lot of self control to not ask, "so I guess you're not interested in having me teach the class then." The only positive spin I can put on it is if the director wanted to interview a friend - but why ask in the first place? Why copy me on the email (other than laziness), if they didn't want me for the job? I've never had a whole lot of confidence in my yoga teaching, and this started a downward spiral of self doubt. I think the spiral is over now though. At least I won't have to find subs every time I want to go away for the weekend.

    I will also work to improve my mood and outlook today and take a bike ride.

    Stopping the spiral, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning. I am more tired this morning than I was yesterday. Way more tired. I didn't sleep well and then we had to get up at 6:15 (DH's usual time, I try to sleep more if I can) to go to an appointment in Dallas at 8. All we had to do was sign two pieces of paper. :huh: It's for a grant from the state for adopting.
    V, good luck on the decluttering. You can come help with my house when you are done. :wink:
    Mary, sorry you didn't get the teaching job, but like you said at least you will be off on the weekends.
    My goal is to work on the yard today but I may end up taking a nap. I will either weedeat in the back or pull weeds in the front. I don't know if I will have time for both. Or the energy. I feel like maybe I am starting to slim up a little but the scale went up two pounds. Oh well. I am trying not to care about numbers and just care about fitting in to my pants without a muffin top.
    We found out why we haven't gotten a court date yet. Russia changed laws again. Most regions now need 19 more documents before filing for a court date. Thankfully the region we are in asks for only one more. I hope we have a court date next week. Also back in August a couple killed one of their Russian adopted children so Russia may be wanting to change things up again. I am praying we can squeak through before things change. Also yesterday there was a bombing in Moscow on their subway system. That's scary. We could have been there.
    We finally caught what I believe was the last rat (I HOPE!)! So I am relieved. Time will tell!
    Better move before I doze off.
    So sleepy boogaloo.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Mary, I'm sorry they didn't offer the class to you. It sounds like the management is a little flaky, though - so I wouldn't take it too personally. If people keep coming to your class, then you are a good teacher. :smile:
    MM - it just never ends, huh?
    Can I also sign up for V's Rampage Decluttering Service? :wink: I have only recently started taking baby steps towards reducing the amount of Stuff I have, but I think I could definitely go for another round. I still have a bunch of clothes that I set aside to donate that I haven't donated yet, and I realize that there are more clothes that I haven't worn since the last purge, so they probably should be added to the pile. Also, I still can barely fit all my books on my shelves, so I should probably get rid of a few more. It's tough for me.

    Yesterday didn't go well at all. I stayed at work until about 7:30, and then went home and had dinner and sat on the couch. But hey, at least I was reading about running, right? :tongue: I am really enjoying _Born to Run_ - I will probably finish it tonight. It's just as well I didn't run yesterday, though - my toe is still healing from Saturday, it seems. I have no excuse for not doing my pushups, though - I just didn't do them.

    Tonight is dance class - and pushups, if I can muster it. I'm afraid I'd better do them, or else I'll lose too much progress. It's been over a week. But it doesn't seem like I'll ever make it to a hundred (with good form) sometimes. I must carry on!

    Carrying on, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member

    Can I also sign up for V's Rampage Decluttering Service? :wink: I have only recently started taking baby steps towards reducing the amount of Stuff I have, but I think I could definitely go for another round. I still have a bunch of clothes that I set aside to donate that I haven't donated yet, and I realize that there are more clothes that I haven't worn since the last purge, so they probably should be added to the pile. Also, I still can barely fit all my books on my shelves, so I should probably get rid of a few more. It's tough for me.

    Books are my downfall. I wonder if we moved to the future, and I could have all of my hundreds (?) thousands (?) of books on a shiny e-reader of some sort if I'd do it. From where I sit, I can see all of our books. There are six fairly large bookcases full. I've tried to purge one at a time (when I buy a new book, I try to let go of an old one...) but I've been so selective over the past four years that now it's really hard to get rid of a book when I buy a new one. I've tried to narrow down ones I keep to directly related to my field or not easily available at a library. As soon as I read fiction (well, with the exception of Vonnegut and a couple of others) I donate them to a shelter or a library.

    I'm really good at helping others organize their stuff (with the exception of my husband, who drives me batty about this) and have actually considered finding out how to be a "professional organizer". I would have to tone down my rampage mode, really is pretty intense. My mother is a hoarder of sorts, so I just have a critical mass I reach and then I go into "get rid of everything!!!!" mode. I think it triggers some sort of childhood stress/panic or something.

    MM, you could rob anything (not that you would) apparently you have no fingerprints. I'm not feeling too safe about the FBI right now... Sorry about the class, Mary I know exactly what you mean about the spiral...I thought "Mary needs to unspiral" so, that and "the unfairs" are now part of my vocabulary. and cp, we all take a day off and just think about exercising every once in a's good for us. Bobbie, seems like you're moving forward and spinning regularly. I admire your morning class dedication!

    Oh, I'm planning an "intro to TRX" class at my gym. I'm pretty excited! I also found out that there's a community centre five blocks from my house with fitness equipment and classes included for 99 dollars for six months. (!) So, I'm probably going to go enroll there. They have an indoor and outdoor pool, so that's pretty irresistible. I've walked by it for four years and never gone in, so thanks to my neighbor for telling me about it. So, now I might belong to two gyms. Because I am a hardcore thick girl.:tongue:

    Went to the doc yesterday, and got a full bloodwork panel. He did utter the words "you might just genetically tend to carry more fat than some.." but tested me for thyroid issues (which he hasn't done before, even though I thought he had) and pre-diabetes/insulin resistance and lots of other things. He also said that if you've ever been "clinically obese", it's harder to get down to the low end of normal. Something about you made those fat cells, now live with them...We'll see...

    Two gyms, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I went to a yoga class at the gym where I teach. She was a great teacher. If the person they hire is that good, all is forgiven.

    Never made if for the bike ride, so I'm going to do that this morning. Got my taxes done, and we are getting a little return. I know it's my money and all, but I always feel like it's bonus money. We will probably blow it on food.
    Going to yoga tonight as well - something I look forward to.

    I was the same way with books, but I'm beginning to let go. If they have it at the library and I'm only going to read it once, I get rid of it. I hardly ever buy them any more. I like open spaces. We got rid of our dining table recently, and I love the way the room looks completely empty.

    Cleaned and cleared, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, my pebbs,

    The TRX thing was awesome (strength training I actually like? sign me up) My gym is offering a "small group" training session. I think I may sign up for it. I just don't do strength training enough on my own (OK, hardly ever) and in larger classes I always end up in neck/shoulder/back pain because no one's watching my form (and my form is pretty good). Also, I liked the trainer. Here's a link to what the heck a "TRX" is:

    Today, I'm trying a group strength training/pilates class. (to see if the instructor watches me to avoid the pain problem mentioned above...trying to have an open mind) Depending on how I feel afterwards, I may jump on a spin bike for some cardio. I'm trying to push myself to do more strength stuff.

    I'm singing a service tonight at church (the music, I am it). And trying to get my second-last whack of grading finished, or at least started. I may also try to go to the community centre, as I didn't get around to that yesterday. Also, wondering about my bloodwork. Strangely, it would be nice to hear "you're broken. this will fix you." instead of "yeah, it sucks to work out and diet and be overfat, you can curse your viking ancestors."

    buff boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Mary, I think I may have forgotten to say "way to go!" on actually doing your bike race over the weekend. So, just in case, here's a belated WTG! :bigsmile:
    The TRX looks interesting, V! I have trouble getting myself to do strength training, too. It always seems tedious. I did do a "boot camp" class once that seemed pretty good, but it starts at 5:30 which is pretty early for me to get out of work and be somewhere. There are a lot of things that it seems like I "should" be able to do, but I would have to work out to actually get there (like a pull-up... or, for my purposes, whatever it is that would help me climb a tree/other structure).

    My husband gets tomorrow off as a holiday, so I said to heck with it and took a vacation day as well. It's going to be gorgeous for the next two days, so I'm torn between spending the whole time outside and actually trying to get some cleaning/de-cluttering done inside. Outside will probably win.

    Oh, am I supposed to talk about working out? :laugh: Well, I went running again yesterday. It was hard - I was hoping for 6 miles but ended up cutting it short at 4.5. I'm afraid I may be on the verge of hurting myself and need to back off a bit - my ankle and knee were hurting more after yesterday's run than they were on Saturday. :huh: So I don't know what to do. Maybe I'll try to hit the gym for an elliptical/strength training session today. I probably ought to go to the doctor, but I generally find that to be an unrewarding experience.

    Three day weekend, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Mary, I think I may have forgotten to say "way to go!" on actually doing your bike race over the weekend. So, just in case, here's a belated WTG! :bigsmile:
    The TRX looks interesting, V!

    Manners, I lack them: WTG Mary!!!

    The TRX is not tedious, because if you stop thinking, you stop being off the ground. My favorite part was that in order to "drop weight" and make it easier, all you have to do for most of the exercises is take a step forward. To make it harder, step back. To change the muscles you're working, just change the grip and the exercise. Also, after just a half-hour mostly talking session, I feel it in my core muscles. Also, you immediately find out things like "my stabilizer muscles in my shoulders are weak"...or "wow, my right arm is weaker than my left today."
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I'm going to quit working out. :wink:

    Thanks for the pats on the back. I'm ready for the next challenge. I'm hoping to get some walking in the woods in this Spring before it gets way too hot. It was pretty warm yesterday. The plan for today is to meet up with a friend and walk somewhere. I need to run errands as well. I need to clean the house, but that's probably not happening today.

    I couldn't figure out why you had a three day weekend, CP. I even answered some Easter plan emails this morning.
    I would like to try that work out system, V. It would be better to have a class format. Maybe the gym I teach at will offer it.

    April fools, boogaloo!

    tip of the hat to Google for their April fools - go to your gmail account if you have one.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I've been a little busy and I'm falling behind.
    Well, you all called it. I am now the perfect criminal....almost. I went to WM this morning and while unloading groceries in my car I realized I had stolen a pair of sunglasses!:noway: I got away with it! But I had to go back in and pay. I know Who's really watching me and I don't want the guilt. :laugh: I just thought it was funny that it's never happened before and it happened now with all this other fingerprint stuff going on. On the FBI note, they called yesterday and asked where our payment was. Apparently they only give you one free check if one has failed. Today they called and said they got the payment and to call back tomorrow on a status update. So it could be almost over! Also Alex's doc's papers apparently got lost in the mail. I hope we get them today. He said he redid them and sent them again.
    Also something died in the wall in our house and I also found more rat terds this morning all over the living room floor. I really thought we got rid of them. I'm frustrated but I'm trying not to lose my cool. I had no idea we were housing a family of four or more. Maybe I didn't block the hole? Where's the smiley that's banging it's head on the wall or floor?
    I have been doing better on my eating and getting some exercise. I was going to work out today but I have about 2 hours of cleaning to do this afternoon, so that will be it.
    V, the TRX thing looks cool! My muscles hurt just looking at those pics. :tongue:
    CP, enjoy your three day weekend! I wish DH could take off. I'm sure he does too.
    Mary, um, way to go on the ride! :wink: It is getting a little too warm too quickly. Hope we have a couple more weeks of spring before summer hits. I'm not ready.
    Smooth criminal Boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Went for a wonderful walk in the woods - about 2 hours yesterday. We have this state park that is full of pine trees - we don't have pine trees in Central Texas. Need to do that more often. Friend and I are planning on going to a granite dome next week (my favorite state park).

    Today is teaching yoga and maybe a walk tonight.

    Good luck getting rid of your rodents, MM!

    Pine trees, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,
    Today I'm aiming to take a long the weather is beautiful and I am sore as heck from my weights class yesterday. I did follow my trainer's advice and followed up my heavy-duty weights workout with a big fat helping of carbs (apparently, this helps recovery. Also, it's an excuse to eat a sammich.:wink: )

    Other than that, not much planned. The city is quiet due to the long weekend, so it's a good day to stay home with the windows open.

    Quiet walk boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Both of your walks sound nice V and Mary. Wish I could go today but it's rainy.
    The weather matches my mood. I got some bad news today. My fingerprints failed again. I'm pretty speechless about the whole thing. She said some people just don't pass the system. She said I should go back and get several done, half of them ink, half of them electronic. Well, I've sent in five copies so far and they haven't worked so why would 10 more copies work? She did say they would try to get it all done in a day for us. Steve is going to talk to the agency director and see if there's anything else we can do. In the mean time I am going to go rob a bank.
    I also have a scratchy throat and a cough this morning. I don't know if we are sick (Alex has it too and a stuffy nose) or if it's just allergies.
    So I am kind of wanting to throw a pity party today. And I'll be honest and say I'm glad I have a piece of chocolate cake in the fridge.
    The plan for today (after I rob the bank) is to finish my house work that I've slacked off on, have my cake and eat it too, and drink lots of water. Tomorrow, the plan is to work on my car but that entails sanding and DH probably won't let me do it if I have to fingerprint again on Monday. I may have to go out this afternoon and get the ink ones done.
    Ruffles have ridges, unlike my fingers boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member

    I'm so sorry, MM. That is completely unbelievable.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Crazy! At least once you rob the bank you'll be set for all your fees. I never knew that some people couldn't get discernible prints! Sorry this is such an ordeal. Can't they just say "close enough" at this point and move on?

    Today has been great so far. The weather is like summer, but not humid - very pleasant. It's actually a little weird for it to be hot since none of the trees have leaves yet. We slept in, then went to the gym, had lunch/brunch, went walking around the park and then read under a tree for a while, I finally ordered some new glasses, got a tiny kids size ice cream, and now am relaxing for a bit. We'll probably go out to dinner somewhere that we can sit outside. Days off rock. :glasses:

    Sun makes me yawn, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
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