Blood pressure lowering supplements

acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
I took my blood pressure at the store today and it was 149/80 with a heart rate of 88. :frown: Not good. When I was young I always had very good numbers so I never paid much attention. Now I need to start tracking my blood pressure. While Googling for natural ways to lower blood pressure, I read about blood pressure lowering supplements sold at health food stores and on-line. None of the medical sites mentioned anything about the supplements, good or bad. So dear MFP experts, any advice, opinions or experiences that you can share? I read the label of one supplement sold at GNC and it had some pretty strange ingredients. Thanks!


  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    No, the crap you buy at GNC or the like won't lower your blood pressure. Exercise, keep your sodium intake to 2000 mg or less, and talk to your doctor.

    There was a study looking at cinnamon and blood pressure; patients who took 1200 mg daily for 12 weeks had their systolic pressure decrease by an average of 4 mm Hg compared to placebo. So while BP did go down, it really isn't a huge change. Again, you need to see your doctor.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Don't put too much faith in the BP machines at stores. They are never accurate. Too many people use them every day, they are bumped and jostled during nightly cleaning, and they are almost never recallibrated. Your reading from that machine could be accurate, it could be off by just a few points, or it could be off by 20 or 30 points on either number.

    If you want to keep track of your BP on your own, buy your own machine. Automatic BP machines run about $50 at Walgreens, and it's one of the better brands. I have one and take my own BP at home about once a week.
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    We tried to replicate those cinnamon study results at my university; we didn't see any effect.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    If you think you are having an issue with your health such as high blood pressure, then you need to speak to your doctor. Do NOT just start taking supplements or anything for it.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    The thing about doctors is that they insist on putting everyone on blood pressure medication (supplement). I saw what it did to my mother, I want to avoid the same path. I am exercising and am in healthy weight range. I did have high sodium yesterday and today, low the rest of the week. Are the machines in stores really in accurate? It seemed as good as I have seen in a hospital, but I am no expert on calibration. What's to calibrate? I like the cinnamon idea. That's do-able for me. One item I saw on the GNC label was grape seed extract, I make my own grape juice, with seeds and all. Perhaps that can help? Cinnamon coated, roasted grape seeds, anyone? LOL! Thanks for your help, everyone.:flowerforyou: So many things passed off/sold as healthy are not healthy at all. It's hard to sort out the truth. :sad:
  • sblake204
    sblake204 Posts: 458 Member
    Try lowering it naturally 1st.
    Google foods and exercises that can help. Like everyone else stated see what a medical professional recommends. Also test both arms next time!! Blood pressure can vary each day of the week, so don't freak out just yet, unless this has been going on for a while.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Are the machines in stores really in accurate? It seemed as good as I have seen in a hospital, but I am no expert on calibration. What's to calibrate?

    Probably not always inaccurate. But often enough that it's not a reliable source of information. It's a waste of time to use one. And it's just not wise to base your health assessments on those things.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Try lowering it naturally 1st.
    Google foods and exercises that can help. Like everyone else stated see what a medical professional recommends. Also test both arms next time!! Blood pressure can vary each day of the week, so don't freak out just yet, unless this has been going on for a while.

    Thanks for that. I have no idea if it has been high for very long, so yes, I should just keep tracking to see how it trends. At the moment that I tested I was in Walmart looking for a pedometer that a friend recommended and couldn't find it. (she said it was near the "blood pressure cuff") It wasn't, so maybe my frustration played a part.
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    The thing about doctors is that they insist on putting everyone on blood pressure medication (supplement). I saw what it did to my mother, I want to avoid the same path. I am exercising and am in healthy weight range. I did have high sodium yesterday and today, low the rest of the week. Are the machines in stores really in accurate? It seemed as good as I have seen in a hospital, but I am no expert on calibration. What's to calibrate? I like the cinnamon idea. That's do-able for me. One item I saw on the GNC label was grape seed extract, I make my own grape juice, with seeds and all. Perhaps that can help? Cinnamon coated, roasted grape seeds, anyone? LOL! Thanks for your help, everyone.:flowerforyou: So many things passed off/sold as healthy are not healthy at all. It's hard to sort out the truth. :sad:

    The ones in the stores may or may not be accurate. You also need to consider what you were doing just before checking your BP. The "gold standard " for diagnosing hypertension involves resting quietly for at least 5-10 minutes prior.

    As someone above suggested, buy a BP machine and check your BP at home. In order to make sure it is working properly bring it into your doctor's office and check it against her/his machine. Good luck!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    See a Dr.!! Any time your blood pressure is too high, it is doing irreversable damage to your blood vessels and internal organs. Please don't wait and cut wayy back on your sodium at least until you see a Dr.
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    CoQ10. There is actually research that supports it, but I really don't feel like citing it, so MFP can believe it or not and I'm fine either way. You should REALLY not play around with hypertension. Run any plans you have for supplements or anything by your doctor.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    The thing about doctors is that they insist on putting everyone on blood pressure medication (supplement). I saw what it did to my mother, I want to avoid the same path. I am exercising and am in healthy weight range. I did have high sodium yesterday and today, low the rest of the week. Are the machines in stores really in accurate? It seemed as good as I have seen in a hospital, but I am no expert on calibration. What's to calibrate? I like the cinnamon idea. That's do-able for me. One item I saw on the GNC label was grape seed extract, I make my own grape juice, with seeds and all. Perhaps that can help? Cinnamon coated, roasted grape seeds, anyone? LOL! Thanks for your help, everyone.:flowerforyou: So many things passed off/sold as healthy are not healthy at all. It's hard to sort out the truth. :sad:
    I don't know what kind of Dr. you see, but mine had to put me on a blood pressure medication, not a supplement. There is a difference. Also, you may have an inherited type of high blood pressure that ONLY meds can control. That was the case with me. I ALWAYS had normal blood pressure, then out of the blue it was sky high. I lost 40lbs, I'm at a healthy weight, was able to drop one medication but I am still on the highest dose of another. It keeps me alive, has absolutely NO side effects, for me anyway, thank God, and it is affordable. She said that I have a type that is inherited and besides meds and sodium control, there isn't much I can do about it. I work out for almost an hour daily and I try to be careful with the food I eat and to keep stress levels low. It's not worth risking your life, just to 'not take pills'. I don't like taking them either but for this, it's worth it. Hopefully you can control it with meds and maybe go off them if you lose weight, if necessary and lower your sodium intake. I can only have 1500 per day, which is now what the AMA reccomends for EVERYONE now, not 2500 like it used to be. Good luck!
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    See a Dr.!! Any time your blood pressure is too high, it is doing irreversable damage to your blood vessels and internal organs. Please don't wait and cut wayy back on your sodium at least until you see a Dr.
    Absolutely! High blood pressure is called " the silent killer" for a reason.
  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    The thing about doctors is that they insist on putting everyone on blood pressure medication (supplement). I saw what it did to my mother, I want to avoid the same path. I am exercising and am in healthy weight range. I did have high sodium yesterday and today, low the rest of the week. Are the machines in stores really in accurate? It seemed as good as I have seen in a hospital, but I am no expert on calibration. What's to calibrate? I like the cinnamon idea. That's do-able for me. One item I saw on the GNC label was grape seed extract, I make my own grape juice, with seeds and all. Perhaps that can help? Cinnamon coated, roasted grape seeds, anyone? LOL! Thanks for your help, everyone.:flowerforyou: So many things passed off/sold as healthy are not healthy at all. It's hard to sort out the truth. :sad:

    A doctor probably wouldn't recommend a prescription unless your diastolic reading was over 90. (

    When my sister-in-law was hospitalized last summer for a blood pressure crisis during pregnancy, they had her on a magnesium drip for it. Supplements for it aren't terribly well absorbed, but I take one anyway. Another good thing to keep tabs on is your potassium. For people with high or borderline blood pressure, it's recommended that you aim for around a 2:1 potassium-sodium ratio. Low sodium V-8 helps with that, along with avocados, potatoes, etc.

    One of the best ways to improve your blood pressure naturally is cardio, though. It would take weeks, but it makes a difference.

    If a doctor ever wants you to go on a medication for it, please do. What were the side effects your mother experienced? There are many different prescriptions they can try you on. I take one, which I may not need anymore once I'm at a healthy weight. I don't have a great family history there, though.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    You need to see your doctor.

    High blood pressure is serious and there may be a cause for it. Supplementing it isn't the answer. Please see a doctor so they can see if yours has a cause. Mine did not, all they can speculate is heredity so I take two tablets each day. It's not that bad. Mine is 160/110 without them.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    The thing about doctors is that they insist on putting everyone on blood pressure medication (supplement). I saw what it did to my mother, I want to avoid the same path. I am exercising and am in healthy weight range. I did have high sodium yesterday and today, low the rest of the week. Are the machines in stores really in accurate? It seemed as good as I have seen in a hospital, but I am no expert on calibration. What's to calibrate? I like the cinnamon idea. That's do-able for me. One item I saw on the GNC label was grape seed extract, I make my own grape juice, with seeds and all. Perhaps that can help? Cinnamon coated, roasted grape seeds, anyone? LOL! Thanks for your help, everyone.:flowerforyou: So many things passed off/sold as healthy are not healthy at all. It's hard to sort out the truth. :sad:

    Not all doctors are medication happy. My doctor insisted on blood tests, asked about my diet and exercise, ran a heart test to see if there had been any damage, ect. Doctors aren't always "bad guys" wanting to dope you up. In my case I was doing everything right besides being 10lbs over weight. Not all drugs are the same either and it's not bad to be on them. I'd rather take them than have to worry about having a heart attack or stroke.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Eat more fruit and veggie either raw as salad or cooked plain without sauces to get your sodium down more and yes a doctor is a must if blood pressure is up. Are you exercising? That's important too.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    This is why I love the MFP community. My mother had good blood pressure until her early fifties, now I am in my early fifties. Hereditary traits are very important. I guess I will go see a doctor for input. I am not ready to start medication, perhaps the doctor will convince me otherwise. I just remember that my mother started on blood pressure pills and then had to have a pill to conteract the original pills and then she was on pill after pill. One to counteract the other. Getting old healthy is hard work!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    My grandmother diet from a heart attack very young from high blood pressure. I was on 2 different types of medication till I lost weight and exercised and now I'm on zero meds. I was almost on cholesterol meds too but don't have to now. You have to take it seriously and see about it. The meds I was on didn't give me any side effects at all. Maybe the type your mum wa on isn't used anymore if it was a while back. I agree about getting old healthfully being hard work!!!!!! :)
  • cajuntank
    cajuntank Posts: 924 Member
    I concur with everyone else mentioning to see your Dr. as they will take several readings with you laying down and also should read with you standing as well to confirm one way or the other. One thing I did notice in your diary (and this is me only going back a few days), is that you don't log your water intake. Water, water, water !!! One of the main medicines a Dr. will normally prescribe is water pill ( Sodium makes you retain water causing increased blood pressure, so you need lots of water to help get rid of excess sodium in your body.