New here...hello

So I heard about this from my step-mom and thought I would register here....Saying hello to all of you :) I am a 31 year old short female who could probably pass for 18...h aha :) I am married with a 12 year old daughter. Just recently, I took some blood tests and A1C test to see if I am diabetic, borderline or hopefully-neither! Also told I had a fatty liver and some nodule on it.... I am about 5 foot and weigh 160...

I am on here to lose weight. I would like to be back at least at 145. I was 145 before I had my daughter.... I love carbs and that is my weakness. So this is gonna be hard ... Hope to meet others who are similar..

Oh, and i also am a poet, freelance writer and freelance artist (like to draw and make jewelry).... Love to get to know others....


  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    HbA1C - indicator of sugar binding to red blood cells basically, Good luck with the site - just the motivation helps a lot

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