Weight loss help advice, PLEASE!?! (long)

I will try to make my long boring story short as I can.

In college, I was at my heaviest (267lbs) -- I am 5' 4"...not a pretty picture. After half-hearted attempts at weight loss, I finally got serious after I lost my job, my boyfriend and moved out of state...I needed a change. I got down to 199; then I got pregnant. Thanks to morning sickness, I got down to 184. Once I could eat again; I ate everything in sight (contrary to popular belief, you should NOT eat for two) I delivered at 242...yikes! I lost most of the baby weight pretty quickly (3 months) and was back down to 204. I was feeling good. Then I found out I was pregnant, AGAIN! This time I watched what I ate and still exercised. I only gained 30 pounds with that pregnancy, delivering at 234.

So I had 2 babies within 13 months; but I was still doing well, eating pretty healthy and trying to get exercise in when I could and got down to 198. I was going to the gym 3-5 times a week, bought a HRM, burning 600-1000 calories per session and the lowest .I got to was 189.6 (yes, I remember exactly). Then I got frustrated and stopped going to the gym as much, but joined WW, went to a nutritionist...I hovered around 198 for a year an a half and then started gaining again...up to 215 over the holidays. YIKES!

I jumped back on the wagon and have been doing the Wii Fitness programs & logging everything & eating pretty well and I am back down to 206..where I have been sitting for almost 2 months. I indulge probably more than I should at times, but am always at or under my calorie goal. I try to stay away from processed foods (except for my D'Light breakfast sandwich) and cook healthy for my family.

I have broken up with the scale too. I have found that it dictates my mood too much, so I am only weighing on the 1st of the month from now on.

Based on what I have read and what others have said, (Hell, even MFP has said), I should be losing weight faster...and I'm not. :( Its rather frustrating, so I was wondering if any of you might have any insights. Thanks! And sorry it was so long.


  • Arwaxx
    Arwaxx Posts: 113 Member
    awww , maybe eat more? since u burn so much..
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member

    I jumped back on the wagon and have been doing the Wii Fitness programs & logging everything & eating pretty well and I am back down to 206..where I have been sitting for almost 2 months. I indulge probably more than I should at times, but am always at or under my calorie goal. I try to stay away from processed foods (except for my D'Light breakfast sandwich) and cook healthy for my family.
    Based on what I have read and what others have said, (Hell, even MFP has said), I should be losing weight faster...and I'm not. :( Its rather frustrating, so I was wondering if any of you might have any insights. Thanks! And sorry it was so long.

    You stalled because you aren't feeding your body enough to maintain your level of activity. Just a quick check of your BMR at your current age/weight (I assumed 5 feet tall) shows you should be MINIMUM around 1660 (NET) and that's if you do NOTHING all day laying in bed. Considering that you are saying you are working out, and you have 2 little kids which you are no doubt running after.. Do you breastfeed?(that would mean you need even MORE calories)

    I'm betting you are about 400-500 calories SHORT every day. You need to eat, and eat back at least half of your exercise calories (depending on which method you follow) Figure out your proper BMR / TDEE and you will be losing at a more normal rate for your weight. Probably closer to 2lbs/week. Depending on how long you have been underrating you may need a few weeks for the weight to start moving again - but it will.

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/804485-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12
  • larnsperger
    larnsperger Posts: 161 Member
    If your food diary is accurate you seem to be eating under on your calories almost everyday. You also are lacking protein. I personally cannot lose without eating good protein. I'd make my own breakfast sand which and ditch the processed one. Make sure you are drinking your water and logging everything. Also are you using the HRM to get your calorie burn from exercise or are you relying on the database at MFP? If your diary is as accurate as you show and you are using a HRM to log exercise I'd say you need to eat more. If that doesn't help maybe some blood work to check your thyroid.
  • andrea_kohlman
    andrea_kohlman Posts: 47 Member
    If your food diary is accurate you seem to be eating under on your calories almost everyday. You also are lacking protein. I personally cannot lose without eating good protein. I'd make my own breakfast sand which and ditch the processed one. Make sure you are drinking your water and logging everything. Also are you using the HRM to get your calorie burn from exercise or are you relying on the database at MFP? If your diary is as accurate as you show and you are using a HRM to log exercise I'd say you need to eat more. If that doesn't help maybe some blood work to check your thyroid.

    I know I should make my own breakfast sandwich (and I do on the weekends); it is merely convenience since I can't get up any earlier than I already do (4am) and survive the day...lol!

    Yes, I have been drinking all my water (over 8 glasses); but sometimes forget to track it all. I have also stopped drinking pop/soda this year. I have only had one so far this year. I use a HRM, so I know that the calories burned are accurate.

    I will try eating more protein & upping my calories (suggestion to how many? Add a couple hundred?), thank you!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I would suggest being more consistent with your eating. Since you have a HRM, try eating 80% of them back. But I would agree with trying to get more protein and even more fiber.

    Also, have you had your blood work done recently? If not, it's a good way to eliminate some of the common things that can prevent with loss.

    Also, any medical conditions like PCOS?
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    You need to figure out your TDEE really. This is the amount of calories you need daily to go about your life normally. There are tonnes of sites with TDEE calculators. http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ is a good one. Then take around 20% off your TDEE amount for fat loss. Simples ;-))
  • leotardbanshee
    leotardbanshee Posts: 92 Member
    So, hon I just went and stalked your food diary and it looks like you are making a lot of good choices, but there are a few changes I think might help, just from my experience. I would probably go to oatmeal for breakfast rather than eating a breakfast sandwich, it's farily easy to make and it's a healthy whole grain. I like to try to get the kind that looks the most like an actual oat, I don't really do the instant oatmeals anymore unless they're the Kashi brand. Another great breakfast option is smoothies with all sorts of wonderful add ins like flax seed and kale, whatever you can think of to add nutrients to your diet. My friends have been making these low carb quiche muffins
    Low Carb Quiche Muffins
    Sauté half a white onion and three cloves garlic in butter
    Add a cup of frozen chopped spinach
    In a separate bowl, whisk 6 eggs with heavy whipping cream (or milk if you're not eating low carb)
    Stir in spinach/onion/garlic mixture
    Add Swiss cheese (I tear slices) and just put in however much I want
    Ladle into a greased muffin pan filling the cups 1/2 to 3/4 full
    Bake at 375 degrees until done
    you can refrigerate them and they will be ready for you all week!

    Do you like fruits? Bananas are something great that you can eat before you work out to give you a boost of energy. I love buying cantelope or strawberries and cutting them up and preparing them for the entire week and they are ready in my fridge for whenever I am STARVING.

    It seems like you are fairly routine in your eating habits, which is awesome! However at evening meals, it may be kind of a challenge preparing something that the whole family enjoys. Having routine in your eating choices is so helpful when trying to lose weight, it prevents you from temptation. I would say that most nights when I cook at home, I make a lean protein, chicken or fish, and I fill half the plate with vegetables. Sometimes I will add a starch or a grain like quinoa, if you're going to have potatoes try to switch to sweet potatoes or I've even heard you can make cauliflower mashed potatoes. I don't have children, so I don't have to trick them into eating healthy food and enjoying it. So I have a lot of respect for mothers when it comes to making food decisions for their families!
    Remember, it's not just how many calories you eat, it's what those calories are made of. I have been on this whole clean eating kick recently because I am having horrible gallbladder problems and I find that once you add in the good foods, it's harder to enjoy the stuff that isn't good for you.

    What kind of workouts are you doing? Eating protein, and weightlifting can build your metabolism because muscle tissue burns more calories in your body. If you're only doing cardio right now, I would consider trying to include weight lifting into your exercise routine.

    Good luck to you, stay strong and believe in yourself, don't give up you have come SO FAR!!! :D
  • DemonicWombat
    DemonicWombat Posts: 48 Member
    Sounds like your stuck in a plateau. they suck, because it seems like no matter what you do nothing changes. Here's what helped me. Switch up your exercises, and your diet. If you walk everyday try some weightlifting, or yoga., or swimming etc. And if you are on a regular schedule for eating change the times a little bit. Also check the sodium counts on what you eat because water weight is a gripe. But above all don't get frustrated, plateaus eventually break if you keep hammering at them. good luck!