My gym workout



  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    Monday I did the routine plus 10 mins on the treadmill at 6.0
    Tuesday I did the routine plus 10 mins treadmill at 6.0 and 30 mins on the bike on level 4
    Today I went on the cross trainer for 30 mins at a low level and 30 mins on treadmill at 5.5/6.0

    For the first 15-20 mins on the cross trainer my legs really hurt but I just worked through it and eventually it was much easier. Maybe that is my problem with lying leg curl I find it hard after the treadmill and leg press but I suppose I'll get used to it.

    Some of the machines look scary lol

    This is my first actual week at the gym, I only signed up to go to exercise classes but haven't been to one yet lol

    I'm tempted to get one of those kettleworx dvds which come with a kettlebell.

    you would be way better off hitting the free weight section of the gym and doing a three day a week total body work out...with some cardio on off days...

    I kettleball DVD workout is not going to take you where you want to go ...just my opinion..

    And if you just joined the gym why not take advantage of it and start crushing some work outs??? you already joined, so you already have the desire...

    This week I am off my main job so have plenty of time to get to the gym, usually I see it being 3 or 4 max a week. I'm going to start looking at free weight programmes

    Is this any good? I know it's more weight training than free weights.
  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member
    You should check out They have complete workout programs, day by day, even full 12 week programs ... all FREE.

    I second that. LiveFit is a wonderful 12 week program.

    I've given birth to kiddos that weigh more than what you're curling. Increase it if you can. You're young, it won't kill ya'. Promise :)
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    Monday I did the routine plus 10 mins on the treadmill at 6.0
    Tuesday I did the routine plus 10 mins treadmill at 6.0 and 30 mins on the bike on level 4
    Today I went on the cross trainer for 30 mins at a low level and 30 mins on treadmill at 5.5/6.0

    For the first 15-20 mins on the cross trainer my legs really hurt but I just worked through it and eventually it was much easier. Maybe that is my problem with lying leg curl I find it hard after the treadmill and leg press but I suppose I'll get used to it.

    Some of the machines look scary lol

    This is my first actual week at the gym, I only signed up to go to exercise classes but haven't been to one yet lol

    I'm tempted to get one of those kettleworx dvds which come with a kettlebell.

    You shouldn't be doing the same routine 2 days in a row. Your muscles need rest and recovery between workouts.

    Also, the routine they gave you isn't real good. If you are a beginner, you need to be working a full body routine 3x a week, but not on consecutive days. Monday/Wednesday/Friday or something like that is better. Or Mon/Thurs if you can only do 2 days. Either way, rest is as important as the lifting itself. Do lifts that target more than one muscle group. Deadlifts and squats work practically your entire body. You could build a complete routine around deadlifts and overhead presses and not need to do anything else.

    Do some reading on the different training methods and routines, you'll see. It's not real hard, you just have to be smart about what you do and be consistent.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Find a standard beginners routine instead of this one. And be prepared to increase the weights you're using as what you have right now is very light. I'm glad that you're about to start strength training. We just need to tighten up the program so you get maximum benefit for your time and effort

  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member

    n/m. I'm not even sure this is real.
  • Your choice of exercises doesn't make much sense, since you're not hitting all areas. And your weights are very light.

    If you want to get a full body workout, consider the StrongLifts program and switch over to free weights. Only 5 exercises, but it works arms, legs, back, chest, core, everything.

    Can you link this program? I'm thinking of switching to free weights!
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I highly recommend "The New Rules of Lifting For Woman" by Lou Schuler. Great lifting program and sound nutritional advice. $18 dollars at Barnes and Noble.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    I think I'm a dumbell rather than barbell person
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    Your choice of exercises doesn't make much sense, since you're not hitting all areas. And your weights are very light.

    If you want to get a full body workout, consider the StrongLifts program and switch over to free weights. Only 5 exercises, but it works arms, legs, back, chest, core, everything.

    Can you link this program? I'm thinking of switching to free weights!
  • thegreatestlove
    thegreatestlove Posts: 63 Member


    Duration/Distance - 5 minute on 5.5 + 5 minute on 6.5


    Leg press - Sets 3 Reps 12 Weight 20
    Lying Leg Curl - Sets 3 Reps 12 Weight 15
    Lat Pull Down - Sets 3 Reps 12 Weight 15
    Seated Row - Sets 3 Reps 12 Weight 15
    Bicep Curl - Sets 3 Reps 12 Weight 4
    Over head arm extension - Sets 3 Reps 12 Weight 4

    Abs- standard cunches 3 sets of twelve

    This is for the first 4 weeks then will increase. I tend to go back on the treadmill for 10 mins at around 6.0 then onto the bike for around 10 mins at level 4.

    I am looking at overall weight loss and general fitness. I am 1.56m and 196.56 lbs so slightly over weight ;)

    Am I going along the right lines, I'm aiming to got at least 2 times a week.

    Hopefully your gym membership is free. I personally would not pay to exercise at a gym 2x a week, but maybe thats just me. For your workout, you could have also received similar results from not working out at the gym. What I mean by this is I would have done some stretching/warmups and then ran outside (or in place for 5 min and change speed/intensity like you did on the treadmill). Then perform squats, lunges, pull ups, push ups and burpees.

    If you are going to the gym checkout what some of the other posters are saying about StrongLifts. You dont have to lift heavy, but the idea is to lift weights using compound movements getting several muscles involved in the lift to get your entire body stronger, not just isolated ones.

    Thanks for the info... I will be using this. :)
  • morningmud
    morningmud Posts: 477 Member
    You should check out They have complete workout programs, day by day, even full 12 week programs ... all FREE.

    I 2nd that. I did Jamie Eason's LiveFit Trainer (free on the Find A Plan section). It was mostly using free weights and has videos demoing all the moves.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I highly recommend "The New Rules of Lifting For Woman" by Lou Schuler. Great lifting program and sound nutritional advice. $18 dollars at Barnes and Noble.

    Use stronglifts instead of NROLFW.
    I did Stage 1 and it's rather complicated.

    I think the ease of Stronglifts will be better for you - it's 5 moves to remember - forever. Whereas NROLFW Stage 1, is 12. And then it changes between stages. Plus Stronglifts is free.

    While not suggested, you could start with dumbbells for SL then move up to fixed weight barbells then the oly bar with plates.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Find a standard beginners routine instead of this one. And be prepared to increase the weights you're using as what you have right now is very light. I'm glad that you're about to start strength training. We just need to tighten up the program so you get maximum benefit for your time and effort


    No offense but you don't have the knowledge to begin to design your own program yet. Start with something simple like Stronglifts as many have mentioned before, and once you grasp the concepts then you can to begin design your own programs. For now stick with what works.
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    Does anyone have a free weight workout for beginners? This is usually the busiest part of the gym with all the guys using the equipment (scary)

    When I started going to the gym (5 months ago), I had no idea what I was doing and was intimidated by pretty much everything in there. Here's what I did:

    Mon/Wed/Fri - couch to 5K program on the treadmill
    Tuesdays/Thursdays - 3 or 4 sets of each exercise, with a minute or so rest in between circuits (so do one set of each, rest, do another set of each, rest). Use the maximum weight you can use and still do all the reps with good form. Aim for 8 reps, when you can do 10, move up in weight. These are all with dumbbells...if you can't hold weight on some stuff (lunges, squats), just do bodyweight for now and work up to it).
    One day I would do alternating bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, bent over rows, chest press
    The other day I would do alternating shoulder press, squats, lunges, bent arm side raises, calf raises

    Now I do mostly bodyweight with a little bit of free weights. I still do circuits.
    I do:
    Pushups - you can make them easier by doing them on an incline
    Hanging knee raises off a pullup bar...they have them on lots of gym equipment - Start trying to get your thighs parallel to the ground, then try to pull your knees to your chest when that gets easy
    Inverted rows - work up to this once you can do bent over rows with 25lbs
    Goblet squats or dumbbell lunges
    Core exercise (russian twists currently).
    I still do sets of 8-10 except core exercises which I usually do sets of 20-40.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    Found a good site for dumbell exercises or I really don't like the idea of using barbells at present.

    I'm not trying to make my own routine just find one I feel I can do. .
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    Everyone saying the OP is lifting light, I'm guessing those weights are in KG since her height's in meters. She's not curling 4lb dumbbells.

    OP, you really do need a structured, full-body program. The ones on here that have been suggested are good. Getting a trainer to show you form and develop a workout for you might be a good option too. But whatever you settle on, make sure ALL your muscles get worked and you don't work the same muscles two days in a row. Compound movements will hit multiple muscles at once so you don't have to do an individual exercise for each one - it saves time and gives you a better workout.
  • MisterDerpington
    MisterDerpington Posts: 604 Member
    Do Squats (or Leg Press I guess), Deadlift variation, Bench Press variation, Overhead Press variation, and lat pulldown or chinup/pullups.
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    If you're interested in weights, might I reccomend and a pad/ paper?

    I use the JefIt app on my phone, but not everyone has a smart phone.

    I do a rotating up/ low split three times a week - so this week, I might do arms, back, chest/ legs & glutes/ arms, back, chest; next week I'd do legs & glutes/ arms, back, chest/ legs & glutes. That way, in a 7 day period, I'm hitting each area 2 to 3 times.

    I build my progression differently than many - I shoot for 3 sets of 8, and if I can do 8 comfortably, I shoot for 12. If I can do 12, I aim for 15. If I can do 15, I increase my weight so 8 is a challenge.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    Everyone saying the OP is lifting light, I'm guessing those weights are in KG since her height's in meters. She's not curling 4lb dumbbells.

    OP, you really do need a structured, full-body program. The ones on here that have been suggested are good. Getting a trainer to show you form and develop a workout for you might be a good option too. But whatever you settle on, make sure ALL your muscles get worked and you don't work the same muscles two days in a row. Compound movements will hit multiple muscles at once so you don't have to do an individual exercise for each one - it saves time and gives you a better workout.

    Yds sorry guys the weights not lbs
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    So my gym do the following classes:

    Freestyles | Tone | Core | LBT | Conditioning | Abs | Spinning | Zumba* | Circuit | Yoga* | Pilates* | Stretching | MMA Fitness*

    * = pay

    Will any of these classes help me? I am going stretching and LBT this lucnh time.

    Maybe even looking at buying a barbell set, what weight is best to get up to 22.5kg or 30kg?