It's confirmed, I'm skinny fat and now I need help



  • LeonnieH
    LeonnieH Posts: 209 Member
    They used a device where electrodes are attached to wrist and ankle, doing a quick Google search I think it's called Bioelectrical impedance analysis.

    I wouldn't worry about it then. BIA devices are notorious for giving distorted readings, particularly due to hydration levels.

    ^^^^ this

    go to Leigh Peele's blog (sorry I don't remember the address off the top of my head but you should find it if you google her name) - that has a really good page and a free report about estimating your body fat percentage. I'd recommend using two or three methods. Personally, I use circumference calculators, calipers and visual estimates. The exact number is hard to pinpoint, but they are very good for tracking change in the right direction. in your OP you mentioned that other measures estimate between 17 and 25%, I'd say the truth is probably somewhere in that range and you got a dodgy reading from the BIA device. If you don't have any visible muscle definition, the true value is probably around 20-25%, if you have visible definition the true value is probably closer to 17%. See Leigh Peele's blog and report for a lot more very good information about body fat percentage.

    Thank you for this, I found her blog and had a look around. I've decided now that BF% is just a number and from now on I'm simply going to look in the mirror and decide if I'm happy with what I see. Two people with the same BF% can look so different that the number really is meaningless, it's all about achieving the look that I'm after rather than a number.
  • LeonnieH
    LeonnieH Posts: 209 Member
    All the measurement methods are estimates, including bod pod and water submersion (although they are generally believed to be the most accurate). Just find a measure that is convenient for you to use, and stick with it. Focus on the change in your numbers over time rather than their absolute value.

    Weight lifting is great for building muscle mass but I would hate for you to take all this advice to give up running, because you obviously love it. Picture marathon runners - although they are not heavily muscled they probably have some of the lowest body fat % around.


    Thanks and yes I love running and would find it really hard to give it up, think I'd be grumpy all day if I couldn't get out for a run :)
  • LeonnieH
    LeonnieH Posts: 209 Member
    They used a device where electrodes are attached to wrist and ankle, doing a quick Google search I think it's called Bioelectrical impedance analysis.

    I wouldn't worry about it then. BIA devices are notorious for giving distorted readings, particularly due to hydration levels.

    You are not skinny fat and your not 33% BF. I'm not just saying this to make you feel better.

    Keep with your routine, keep with a good diet, keep with your balance of weights and cardio and you will look even better than you do now...which is pretty good already ;)

    Thank-you :)
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Options that abdomen pic in your profile you? If so, there's ZERO chance your BF is that high.

    Yes all the photos are me. I'm going to speak to my gym trainer tomorrow, he wasn't there today so someone else did the test really hope it is an error.

    On school run right now but will read up on those links when I'm home again, thank you everyone for all your replies I really am grateful for all the reassurance and advice x

    Seriously...with that picture? You are WAY less BF% than 33%. I would say closer to 20%, if not less. You look awesome.
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    Cardiacs a are known for being skinny fat. I'd stick to weights . Tone and build muscle. You don't have to be a body builder per say. But no one wants to be a deflated balloon, if that's what you mean.
  • LeonnieH
    LeonnieH Posts: 209 Member
    first and foremost, *kitten* the numbers. Who cares what a stupid % is ?? Go by how you feel or look in the mirror.

    Secondly, the weights. lift HEAVY!! Try to be able to barely squeeze 6-8 reps out. You'll damage all kinds of muscle (in a good way) and guess what gets burned to help you recover!!!??? THATS RIGHT!!!! them damn calories, that's what!!!!!

    Thanks, going to take your advice and look at the mirror instead :) Will look into increasing my weights too, I'm managing around 12 reps but could probably go heavier if I reduce the reps.