What's your "scale policy"?



  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    I weight myself once a week in the morning. I always weigh myself in nothing but bra and panties. The floor is level so it doesn't matter where I put the scale, but I do tend to put it in the same position. My scale has been fairly accurate, save a few ounces, since the day I bought it two years ago. I spent about $30 on it. It's one of those digital ones.
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    I am trying to teach myself that scales are over rated. It's not the just the pounds that count, it's the inches you've lost, and how you feel about you. MY SCALE IS EVIL!!!!! That's what I've named it.....I know I've lost weight because people are telling me I look great and so on. Good luck
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    My policy? Don't hit it with a baseball bat. Good policy, no?
  • sardesc
    sardesc Posts: 34 Member
    I weigh myself with the Wii Fit every Sunday morning. It's nice because of the graph and BMI tracking. I weigh myself for interest's sake, but I base my progress on the spreadsheet I made with my measurements (upper chest, chest, biceps, waist, hips, thighs, calves). The scale can't show you progress the way your body measurements can.
  • marissa3209
    marissa3209 Posts: 45 Member
    I also weigh once a week, on Saturday morning, after using the restroom, with minimal clothing. My scale can seem to fluctuate a bit too. I do think that my scale is saving my last weight as another poster stated...
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    I, too, have a scale with a mind of its own - it gives me different readings in one weigh-in session- I take the most consistent number (if it shows up more than once)... I also meassure though, so that helps keep it real.
  • HapThompson
    HapThompson Posts: 48 Member
    When I started my weightloss journey, I refused to weigh myself and was convinced that i'd measure the changes by taking measurements and photographs. This was fine for the first six weeks but it did lead to me having doubts... "what if i'm not really losing and it's all just an illiusion"? I have OCD, so I sometimes struggle to convince myself that things really are the way they are (yes i've really turned off the lights, yes that surface really is clean etc etc) so I was finding the pictures and measurements and even the smaller clothes unconvincing...

    I was scared to weigh myself because I was worried about what the number would be (which I realise now is stupid because I didn't need the scales to tell Me I was fat, I already knew that), but then my friend told me how much she weighed and I looked at her and thought to myself "well, i'll definitely weigh less than her" (*****y, I know) so I went out, bought fairly expensive digital scales, took a deep breath and went for it. I know it sounds like it wasn't a big deal, but I hadn't weighed myself since I was 12 years old (i'm 34), and i'd developed a bit of a phobia about it (can't believe i'm admitting this on the internet...) so it was a huge, momentous, life changing moment for me. The scales said I weighed 3lbs less than my friend which I was miffed by, as she was at that point 3 dress sizes bigger than me, but at least I knew.

    I decided at that point that I was going to weigh myself every day, morning and evening, so that I could track the changes. It was a good way to break the phobia. So that is what I do. It was hard for the first two weeks, watching the numbers going up and down and feeling despondent every time the reading was higher, but after a week i'd lost weight overall, and after a second week the same had happened and I realised that if I could ride out the ups and downs and "trust the process", that my weight would decrease.

    That was in November, and i've lost 29lbs since then, still weighing myself twice a day every day. It works well for me, has completely demystified the scale and made me realise that it's just a number. I have a spreadsheet with my weigh ins logged so I can see the graph and look at trends and track the general overall movement downwards and I update MFP every time my weigh-ins reach a new low (so close to Onderland I can smell it, 2 lbs to go!).

    I think that tracking the daily fluctuations has made me more aware of how what i'm eating affects my body, and I can now predict that i'll be up by a certain amount if I eat x, y or z. I can tell if i've eaten more sodium than I usually would, I can see how having higher calorie days seems to help me suddenly drop, I can see the effect of my fast days... It gives me info and as a scientist at heart the more data the better...

    I weigh in my underwear or nothing at all, in the same place at approximately the same time every morning and evening. In the evening I weigh just before I eat my dinner, in the morning it's first thing after a bathroom visit. I step on and off the scales three times at least and i always let the scales witch themselves off again completely before I step back on, otherwise they seem to "remember" the previous weight. I log the number that appears most with a "best of three" approach.

    I appreciate that my method wouldn't work for alot of people but it has been refined and honed and is absolutely perfect for me. i still take the photos and measurements too, but now I feel like I can back them up with cold hard facts.

    Apologies for the long post btw!
  • lbd2014
    I don't actually own a scale...sometimes I wish I did, but most of the time I know I'd get a little neurotic about it. So the only times I'll weigh myself is when I'm at the gym (right after a work out, before getting in the shower) and when I'm at my mom's house (she has one of those really nice digital Weight Watchers scales). So far this is working for me and I've lost 1.5lbs over the last week and I definitely feel it in my clothes. Everyone's different in their opinions as to when to weigh-in or not but as long as what you're doing works for you keep doing it. :flowerforyou: Best of luck to everyone :happy:
  • GoffGirl1029
    GoffGirl1029 Posts: 93 Member
    i weigh myself on the same day, once a week. First thing after I wake up and pee, and naked. Then I ignore the dang scale for the rest of the week :smile: I'm learnin' to rely more on what my reflection is sayin', how my clothes are fittin', the strength that I am gainin' and the amount of muscle tone I can see from week to week to judge my progress.
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    1) the scale is a lying c*nt
    2) Measurements are way better, so are reactions from family after they havent seen you for 3 weeks.
    3) see 1.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    I weigh myself...every now and then. Every month or so. That number isn't that important to me.