Water Cleanse

Good Morning...several people I would with are drinking water with lemon or lime and a few dashes of Cayanne Pepper some with honey and some without. I have read into this and apparently it is a good detox for your insides. Has anyone tried this and has is aided in your weight loss? My friend who is a life nutrition wellness coach says:

Alice Hendrickson http://alicekooker.healthcoach1.integrativenutrition.com/

She has been a wealth of information. I totally trust her. I posted her site for others to see.

February 7.why i drink warm lemon-cayenne water ..... again

* Lemon juice and cayenne pepper both have anti-fungal, immune boosting, and detoxification properties.

* Lemon juice is great for digestion, destroying bacteria and cleansing the system - it supports the liver and kidneys to get rid of toxins.

* Cayenne pepper increases metabolism, stimulates the circulatory system, aids digestion, helps regulate blood sugar and more.

But I still want to know before I squeeze my first lime...have you done this and what results have you gotten from adding it to your daily regime? Thank you.



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Detoxing is a waste of time. Your liver and kidneys detox your body, drinking some disgusting mishmash of stuff will do absolutely nothing for you.
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    The only way it will help with weight loss is if you do that..... and a calorie restricted diet of some kind. And the weight loss will come from what you eat, not that you are drinking that each day.

    I'm all for anything that helps you stick with a "diet". If doing that helps you stick to keeping your calories below your TDEE then great. I don't know if it has any other added benefits but I would say for weight loss its definitely not needed. But hey if it helps you then go for it, but the weight loss will come from what food you eat.
  • TrishLG
    TrishLG Posts: 173 Member
    The lemon and honey, I have tried. The help was mostly psychological. All day long you are drinking something healthy, not heavy sugar and chemical soda, so you already feel a happy lift of doing something good.
    It also reminds you all day long that you are on a diet, so are more apt to act accordingly.
    The honey in the water, is especially helpful before meals because it takes the edge off the appetite.

    Pepper clears the sinuses and is suppose to raise metabolism. Currently it is touted as a diet panacea.
    However, pepper is used in medicines that are absorbed through the skin because it opens the pores to let the medicine in.
    Now consider that the intestines are thinner than the skin.
    Also as people age, they lose some of their taste, so are more apt to use more hot sauce, (all the same).
    Then they suffer "leaky bowel syndrome". Some believe that the pepper plays a role in leaky bowel.
    Undigested foods get into the bloodstream, it kicks into action an immune response. This may also increase sensitivity to a great many foods.
    When the immune system gets rid of the foreign bodies (leaked undigested food) it goes after the joints and causes arthritis.

    Currently pepper is suppose to be a diet aid and is greatly recommended. Just be careful and make up your own mind. Go without pepper for a while, then add it back and see if you can take it safely. You have to learn your own body and make your own choices. People who have all kinds of digestive problems, never consider the role of pepper.
    Also beware of dairy, even just a bit in coffee or tea. It stimulates digestive juices and increases hunger
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Yeah, it helps with weight loss.

    Because you stop eating food for days at a time. That usually works, but it's a pretty awful way to go about it. I don't understand how people fool themselves into thinking starvation tricks are a good thing.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Detoxing is a waste of time. Your liver and kidneys detox your body, drinking some disgusting mishmash of stuff will do absolutely nothing for you.


    Don't fall for fads, detoxes and cleanses. Your body cleanses itself... not need for these drinks.

    While the ingredients do have some good properties there is no need to drink them mixed up... they do not cleanse your body.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Yeah, it helps with weight loss.

    Because you stop eating food for days at a time. That usually works, but it's a pretty awful way to go about it. I don't understand how people fool themselves into thinking starvation tricks are a good thing.


  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    Wait..... is this just something you add to your current food? Or drink instead of eating?

    Don't drink this instead of eating food.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    Why do you think your immune system needs to be "boosted?" Are you immunosuppressed?

    I wouldn't want to make my immune system more active lest I develop one of the diseases that's caused by an oveactive immune system--rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, lupus.

    Don't fall for these fad "cleanses."