ON off ON off ON off....

I feel like I have been so on/off/on/off over the last few years and I'm ready to get serious! So. Hello guys! I just want to feel healthy and be fit. I'm 23 and 5'9. I have been bouncing between 215 and 220 for the last year. My ultimate goal is around 160. I love road tripping and I want to be able to stop and hike at different places without feeling out of breath. All the little things like that.

My first big goal is to get under 200. I do have little rewards for myself for every 10 pounds down. It's fun and I feel like it gives me a little bit of motivation. I also have two dogs that are the absolute best workout partners. They motivate me to get out and moving as well.

Another big thing is that I am very much into healthy eating and alternative medicine. I do eat very healthy but just eat too much of it, ha. I feel so hypocritical when I talk about it though. Unfortunately I have a sedentary job that also happens to be surrounded by food. Some days I have to get up way too early and work really long hours and by the time I get home I am just exhausted.

Sooo. That's me =) Again. Hello! And I would definitely love to hear any tips or advice from any of you! Hope you all have a lovely week!


  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    I too have a very sedentary job.. surrounded by food!!

    What helps me is preparing/planning my meals on Sunday . And I log the day before so I see what Im working with as far a calories. I dont have any space for extra.

    usually the only thing I have to update is dinner and water. oh and my workout
  • groovylucie
    Hahaha. Yes! Exactly. I'm also much more of a snacker than a sit down to eat-er.

    Thank you for the tip!!