I have been eating anything and everything. Frustrated:explode:


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    How much were you eating before this binge?

    Are there hormonal triggers for this binge? Emotional triggers?

    You will only stop falling into this habit if you analyze what is causing it!
  • annebuta
    annebuta Posts: 27 Member
    Me too. Last night. Very frustrated with myself this morning. I know how you feel.

    I was bored, and very tired, and frustrated because I broke my ankle (had surgery in Dec - doing well in recovery and even back to working out) BUT it is always painful and that is getting annoying. I don't know if those were the reasons I lost control and ate so much crap - but I'm trying to figure it out - like concordancia says, we need to figure out what is causing it!

    AND I was doing so well the last two weeks - it is almost like I sabotage myself after a long "being good" stent - but why would I do that? I'm not a crazy person. I was also home alone last night - with no one to judge or see me - maybe that's part of it. I don't know.

    One thing that helps me - I actually logged all the crap I ate. It was a lot of calories but when added into my weekly calories, the average isn't shocking. And I am not weighing in today. And today is Monday so as far as my diary goes, it is kind of a nice fresh start. Just try to log everything - then let it go and do better from here on out (oh, and I guess try to figure out why you did it...I will do that too)!
  • You are very right. It could be hormones. I am really frustrated with myself... my self-control is deactivated!! I feel guilty after I eat everything in sight but will turn around and do it AGAIN! I haven't gained but I haven't lost. I have got to get my motivation(hard head) back on track.