Back & ready to lose!!!

Hey Everyone-I was very faithful in using this site about 2 years ago & was very successful at losing weight. I ended up losing the weight & falling off track really bad! I now weigh more than I weighed before when I started last time & I am very frustrated & eager to lose this weight & keep it off for good! I want to get in the habit of eating healthy EVERYDAY & getting my motivation & energy back! Please help...I am the type of person that is very open to ideas & strategies from others to help me do this!! Good luck to everyone on here to reach your goals!! :flowerforyou:


  • Poetic_Photography
    Hi there & welcome back!! I've been in your exact same shoes, and while it's frustrating it's still better to come back here to do it again than to continue to make unhealthy choices... Time is going to pass regardless ~ it's our choice to use our days forcing the scale down or allowing it to creep back up. :smile: Nice to meet you!!