Not new but need new friends :)

I have some really amazing friends but my list has slowly died down over time.

About me :)
Im a 22 year old mother & wife, i work, i go to college fulltime.
I started mid October 2011 & have lost about 30lbs in my journey of 100lbs
I loveee Jillian Michaels dvds. I have completed the 30DS & am now doing no more trouble zones.
I am not a health nut, if half a pizza & soda fits in for the day I have it :). Dont get me wrong everything I eat isnt bad but I dont go crazy.

I have been pretty stuck at the 25-30lb lose since Christmas & need some revitalized friends to push me. I post/ comment frequently. We dont need to have anything in common, i will support anyones realistic goals even if I dont share them (ex. You love heavy lifting- i will cheer you on so long as you dont overly preech that i am doing it all wrong)

I like comments with requests. I like to know about my friends, when you started, goals, activities, etc.


  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
  • iluvlife23
    iluvlife23 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm also jumping back on here after successfully losing weight previously and gaining it all back. :(

    Need some moral support and encouragement to do it right this time! Feel free to add me!!

    A little about me: 26yr old, young professional living in Los Angeles. Love to play tennis, hike, and go to the beach. SW: 155 hoping to get to 129lbs by summer.