Any suggestions?

Hey MFP!

Wondering if anyone has suggestions for me - I feel like I have more or less been sticking to the 'eat less, move more' program for 5 months, but have not really lost anything since October now.

I'm 5'6'', highest weight 200 lb, starting weight 189 lb, current weight 171 lb, goal weight around 145 lb. I generally work out 3 times a week - a mix of Jillian Michaels, body weight circuits, yoga and the elliptical. I am pescetarian - don't eat chicken, beef, pork, lamb etc, but I do eat fish.

I have a food scale and weigh things when I cook at home, but do eat out a lot so I guess perhaps my estimates are getting me off track sometimes....?

Any help very welcome as I'm feeling a bit discouraged. Thanks in advance. I hope my diary is open, but let me know if not.


  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
  • Supern0va81
    Supern0va81 Posts: 168 Member
    Hello chin up chick, your weight difference is admirable and at least you are committed :smile: You're diary is open and seems fairly balanced.

    There are a couple of things you could do. If you feel you need to shake things up a bit how about these ideas...

    Read up on portion size and see how close your estimates are
    When you eat out make the 'healthy' choice
    Try some new classes that work different sets of muscles
    Don't be afraid to build muscle - muscle burns fat
    Stay hydrated - don't top up with water, have it before or with your meal

    And my favourite one... use a heart rate monitor. I started doing this recently and was shocked to see that I was actually working too hard and beyond my fat burning zone. By lowering the intensity I have started loosing weight for once. And I stopped overeating to stay awake instead of resting when I needed it. That said, I still have my weaknesses; I'd do anything for a tub of Ben and Jerry's if it was all vitamins and nutrients and healthy fats :wink:
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    thanks for the reply! those sound like some good suggestions. perhaps once I am done with 30DS again I will try to join a local gymn and find out what all the fuss about weight lifting is (: definitely need to work on my water intake as well. i have an HRM and love it; I will work out what my fat burning zone is and try to stay in it, i think i generally am in the higher bracket, so that might make a difference.

    thanks again and congrats on your loss.
  • AmerH
    AmerH Posts: 40 Member
    One suggestion I have is maybe getting enough sleep. I have found when I don't get enough sleep on a continuous basis I don't lose weight; I'll even gain. Sleep is so important to a well-maintained body. Everybody's "enough" amount of sleep varies. When I was younger I could get away with 6 to 7 hours of sleep a night without any negative effects (irritability, getting sick, not losing weight when eating well). But now that I'm 52 I need 8 hours a night as an average. Of course, maybe lack of sleep just affects us older folk; I don't know. Something to consider. . . hang in there and good luck.