Looking for Motivational Friends Who Login Daily

Hi everyone,

I have been using MFP for a while now and I am looking for some more friends who are positive motivators like myself so we keep each other accountable for our goals.

I'm 23 years old, 5'1 and also have PCOS. My HW was 173, SW was 165 and I am currently 137lbs. I would like to lose another 7-15lbs wherever I feel most comfortable. I like to get my excerise from running, using any of the Jillian Michaels DVDs, taking walks after dinner, and playing tennis in the summer.

Last year I surprised myself by entering a 5k and running it in under 30 min. My fitness goals this year are to run two 5ks and one 10k race just after my birthday.

If you feel like we have something in common please feel free to message or add me!


  • Maxibris
    Maxibris Posts: 61 Member
    Please feel free to add me! I log in every day.

    You seem to be my (wishful) projection of myself in a few months so you would definitely be motivating for me!
  • staying_hungry
    I'm am new but trying to get a group of motivators together too. Add me if you want.