Trouble eating enough

You would think that as heavy as I managed to get up to this would not be an issue but it is. In my younger days I was very fit and active, I ran marathons and did biathlons and I was in the military. I always ate what I wanted with no thought behind it, when I was hungry I ate. As I got older and the knees gave out I kept on that eating cycle but without all of the activity the weight kept creeping up.

So fast forward to now when I am finally trying to get into some semblance of shape and making different eating choices. My biggest nemesis was always soda, i drank it all of the time which is where I got most of my calories from. Since I have cut that out of my diet and have been making better choices on what I eat i find it difficult to eat enough through the day.

Through the week I force myself to try to eat 4 - 5 times a day which is difficult for me because if I am not hungry I just don't think about eating. Now for dinner and other big meals since I am trying to have better than say a whole lot of pasta or a bunch of fried food the calorie content of those meals have dropped a lot. So in a typical day I may eat around 1600 - 1800 calories.

I do worse on the weekends since my day is less scheduled so I tend to only eat when I am hungry which comes out to maybe twice a day.

I had my RMR tested and it is at 2700 so on a day when I work out and burn 500 calories doing an hour of cardio I could have a deficit of 1400 - 1600 calories. I have noticed I actually lose more weight when I eat more but it is hard for me to do it.

Any ideas on some higher calorie snacks or meals that are still healthy. Or any strategies for eating more often. The funny thing is if it is a high carb food I will woof it down in excess so if I have lasagne or potatoes or fried food I can eat a ton but if it is healthy like veggies I eat a few bites and I feel full but I know I am not getting enough calories.

I know it seems like a strange problem but if anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it.


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Eat whatever you want. Work on portion control of foods you over eat as part of your learning process. You don't have to live on steamed veggies and chicken breast to be healthy and lose weight.
  • scott1111111
    scott1111111 Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks, it just seems wrong to eat a piece of fried chicken and mashed potatoes and gravy and claim to be eating healthier even if the calories fit into my day. Not that I would eat that for every meal, but I guess I just need to remember balance. I have been trying to make small changes but with my eating habits it is difficult to do.
  • 10kaday
    10kaday Posts: 177
    I'm in the same boat as you. Add me as friend and you can see my diary. I've just recently started tracking again so only a few days can be seen. I mostly try to eat healthy too for cholesterol reasons more than anything. My new trick is to add fruit juice in. I know, I know... eat whole fruit is better. And I do that!!!! But like you, I need the calorie. so while I eat an apple I chug down some apple juice with it.