How can I tone the upper part of my body?

sunflower1237 Posts: 4
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello! While I have been using my fitness pal to track my calories, i haven't really been inputting them in the system. But I have lost 10 pounds and now fit into a size 12.... down from a size 16!

I have been working out relentlessly on the the treadmill, which is making my legs and butt look great... but how can I tone down my belly and my arms? Any suggestions?


  • arfletcher
    arfletcher Posts: 143
  • arfletcher
    arfletcher Posts: 143
  • arfletcher
    arfletcher Posts: 143
  • arfletcher
    arfletcher Posts: 143
    Apparently my computer is epileptic! Crunches and push ups will work for your upper body and are some of the easiest things that you can do within your own home. Also the PLANK! *Queue scary music here!* Those are all things that I have been using and I am actually seeing really good results!
  • GingerSnark
    GingerSnark Posts: 153
    Good question. I need to tone my upper half as well. Have you tried the 30 Day Shred? I have it but stopped doing it 2 weeks in. I really need to get my arms not so flabby by mid July for a wedding dress & for said dress to zip up.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Try a variety of exercises using free weight to tone your arms. I do tricep dips and lifts. Your triceps are located on the underside of your arm. That's usually the muscle most women need to target (to tone up that hangy bit), but the biceps are important too. Try curls for those, push ups too. Hammercurls are also good. If you go to a gym, take a look at the posters on the wall by the freeweights, they give a variety of exercise examples for each muscle group. Just be sure your form is good and that you are using a weight that is doable but not too easy for you.
  • panther87
    panther87 Posts: 78 Member
    I go to a fitnes center and the Trainer there gave a great work out for my arms. I do tricep pull. you can also do this by holding a weight behind your head with both hands and then lift up above your head( kind of like your pulling your shirt off). also I do the old bicep curls, i also do push ups on a bar about 3 foot off the ground and pull ups on the same bar but placed just slightly higher. i also do over head arm raises. A good trainer at a fitness center or gym can give you numerous work outs to do. You can also go to several websites for arm exercises. Fitness magazine is a good resource and has many things on the web site and Dr. Oz's web site) has many exercises to do also. Best wishes.
  • CrazyAdventures
    CrazyAdventures Posts: 44 Member
    EAS Active and EAS Active More Workouts for the Wii, and Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    I like full-body circuits so I don't have to rest between sets, making it more cardiovascular and upping my calorie burn. One example to start for at-home training if you have a pair of dumbbells (or you can find two water bottles if you don't have them) is: pushups, Rows, squats with shoulder presses, bicycle crunches, lunges with bicep curls, tricep dips, and 1 plank (start holding for 20 seconds, working up to 1 minute). Do 15 reps of each and go right from one to the other, taking a minute break at the end of the circuit. Repeat 2-4 times, and do it 2-3 times a week! :smile:
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I have the same issue. I'm starting the 100 pushup challenge online today.
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