Weight Watchers

Can anyone explain to me what is the difference between weight watchers and counting calories? It seems that alot of people lose weight with weight watchers.... Please let me know....


  • I am a Weight Watcher. I currently have lost 25 pounds through the program, however I had hit a platue around 20lbs. I signed up with MFP and doing both of them has helped me REALLY learn what foods work with helping my body :)
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    A lot of people lose a lot of weight on MFP, and it's free. Unless you feel like you need the meetings to be accountable and succeed, MFP and Weight Watchers is pretty much the same thing.

    Jan. 1st, 2012, my mom and I both weighed in at 180. I did MFP and counted calories/exercise and she did WW (she's a lifetime member, did it on her own with books from years ago). We both lost the same amount of weight and right now are the exact same weight. So, really, both work if you put your all into them.
  • bluefrog_2001
    bluefrog_2001 Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks for this post. I have been thinking about joining WW, but entering in my food each day is helping me be more mindful of what I am putting into my body, as well as how much I am really eating. Plus, I like that this is free - I pay enough bills already!
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    I do weight watchers for free on My Fitness Pal..I joined a group called Weightwatchers 360 and MFP on here and there are lots of suggestions on how to get started with Weight Watchers. One of the best things is the free points value tracker on here.
  • MumOfADuo
    MumOfADuo Posts: 294 Member
    I have had success with weight watchers in the past, it is scientifically proven to work, however, I cant afford it anymore and so being on MPF has really helped keep me accountable. WW doesnt really count caloires, their 'points' are based on 4 things: fat, fiber, carbs and protein...basically having you eat higher protein, fiber foods and lower fat and carbs food. Higher carb/fat foods are way more points. So bottom line, MFP is free and you can track whatever macros you want to track. Weight watchers is GREAT for the meetings if you can afford them. I LOVED the meetings and was RELIGIOUS about going EVERY WEEK for over a year, never missed a single one.....with that said, you have to know what works best for you. Will you allow people on here to hold you accountable? Will you be honest? *cuz the scale wont lie*....if not, maybe go to meetings for a while.....I love the community here and IF I LET MYSELF, I lean on them HEAVILY!!!!
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    Weight Watchers keeps changing their plan so who knows how they get their point count now. I did WW back in 2008 and lost over 40 lbs in a few months and LOVED it. Then I had a baby and went back on WW but the plan had changed and I struggled. I was on and off WW for the last couple years. I'd sign up, do it for a few months and quit b/c I wasn't losing weight. I felt sick, tired, and totally depressed. I kind of stopped caring about my weight for awhile and stopped doing anything about it. Then I started counting calories. I now realize that the main reason that I wasn't losing weight on WW is b/c they kind of starve you unless you eat a *kitten* ton of produce. The points they were giving me probably accounted for about 1000-1200 calories, so unless I ate an obscene amount of fruits and veggies all day, there was no way I was getting enough to eat. The thing is, they didn't tell me that. They tell you that fruit and veggies are zero points, but they don't explain that you're starving yourself if you don't stuff your face with fruit and veggies all day. That's just my take on it.

    Now that I know how the plan works (if it's even the same; I think they changed it again?), I could probably be successful on it (though unhappy) but why???? Why pay a company to calculate points, which don't mean anything measurable without using their website, apps, products, etc....when you can just count calories for FREE. Calories in and calories out is as easy as it gets and doesn't cost you anything. And it's sustainable.