STARVED between lunch and dinner!



  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    What do you normally have for brekkie? I try and have a big portion of my cals in the morning so they have time to get worked off during the day :wink: plus it seems to keep me fuller for the rest of the day :wink: for me that is usually a big bowl of cereal at the moment Readybrek topped with apricots :happy:

    I like to snack on popcorn usually late in the afternoon which keeps me going till dinner time :wink:
  • hcwhipple
    I find that if I eat carbs ( crackers, toast, pretzels, etc.) for my afternoon snack I am STARVING for dinner. I started to eat a protein like a hard boiled agg and an apple or celery and peanut butter. This fills me up way more than a serving of pretzels would and it is still usually under 200 calories.

    Good luck and keep up the good work! ( I know how it is to be home during the day and to not eat all day long! :)
  • NickiChase
    NickiChase Posts: 44 Member
    What are you having for lunch?? You may need to add more protein to that meal (and a little extra fiber won't hurt either!) For a snack, I find an apple and lowfat string cheese (about 160 calories) helps me make it to dinner. We also eat dinner earlier than many (about 5:30ish) since we have small children. My big vice is a late-night sweet, so I make sure I have (or "buy with exercise") enough calories for a little ounce of dark chocolate before bed. Good luck!!
    Thanks for your reply!! :) Usually for lunch I make some sort of sandwich using Arnold Thins Selects (LOVE THOSE!) with Weight Watchers cheese, healthy ones turkey/ham and a tad bit of free mayo. Then have some Quaker Rice Snacks, or baked chips.....some days I have salads. I think my biggest problem is boredom too.....I'm currently unemployed (been looking for a job for the past year) as my husband is in the Marine Corps. Usually between lunch and dinner is when I have less things going on....

    Totally understand the hunger/boredom thing. Now that you have recognized it, you can change it! Take a walk, go volunteer at your local school, sign up for a class online, there are lots of possibilities!! But first, get rid of those rice snacks!! They totally killed me... I got them for free and tried to incorporate them, but I think that they are too high on the glycemic index for me, even the whole grain ones! I feel a crazy crash every time I try to eat them. If you need a salty sidekick to your sammy, (which sounds great by the way, just be sure to get at least 3-4 oz of meat in it) go for whole wheat pretzels, but I like to add filling fruits or veggies to my lunch, the more colorful the better! Depending on where you are stationed, you should be able to get some yummy and fresh ones at your farmer's market.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Neither yogurt or salad are good to "keep you full". Salad doesn't have a lot of filling things unless you throw a LOT in there to fill it up...chicken, hard boiled eggs, nuts, etc. but I know you're not if it's under 150 calories. Try something high in protein. Canned chicken or tuna with a few crackers or veggies. Carrots are very filling. I bought some vegetable juice (50 calories) and it fills me up for a couple hours. :happy:
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    Protein! Okay, I'm one of those people that typically goes over the MFP protein setting (which is low anyway) but I find that a protein snack keeps me going in the afternoon. Almonds are good. Planters has the NUT-rition series. I find the loose mixes to be a little on the high side for my recommended calorie goal (and for the amount you get to eat), but they also have the NUT-rition snack bars. LOVED the Energy mix bar. Blue Diamond is another brand - they have 1 oz snack bags of plain unsalted almonds that are 160 calories.

    Or, if you're more of a quantity gal - which might be the case since you're bored. Grab fruits and veg. And instead of fixing a salad and just eating it straight, graze on a plate or zippy bag of your faves for a while. I have filled a sandwich bag with baby carrots, brought it to work and nursed the thing for like an hour and a half! Munching the whole time, so my hands don't get bored and reach for something else that's not as healthy. And most fruits and veg are not very calorie dense and so perfect for grazing.

    The afternoon is hard for me too! I forgot my snack when I went home for lunch and I'm STARVING!

    Best of luck!
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I am an afternoon snacker and I make popcorn and snack on that. It is something that lasts and I can pick at it until dinner time. I also drink my water
  • succeedin2
    succeedin2 Posts: 501 Member
    Hi maybe you want to make your breakfast bigger for instance today mine was a wheat raisin english muffin (Trader Joes), 2 pcs turkey bacon I wrap in a foil sheet I cook the bacon before I leave home takes less than 5 mins. and then I warm both up when I get to work and eat with jelly separate. Also I have a cup of coffee w/ flavored creamer fat free sometimes I have Kellogs Granola Cereal w/ Raisins and low fat milk sometimes I add the turkey bacon depending on my needs if I have aerobics or something at work we have a chef so sometimes I might even have one pancake with a small amount of syrup those items fill me up. I usually have an apple small or med. for snack. I am not hungry until lunch and typically I am a true snacker! Also lots of water. Veggie juice is good also graham crackers with peanut butter might help watch the portions on that.
  • fauxdetresse
    i always snack on white cheddar rice cakes. 40 calories per cake.
  • ropsnik
    ropsnik Posts: 68 Member
    Try a 1/4 cup of Almonds or a Gala apple. These satisfy my snack cravings.