Need motivation, stuck at a certain weight

Hiya guys, I'm new here, I've had the app on my phone for ages,
My sister showed me it but I didn't even realise that there was a website
And forum you could chat on, I just thought it was for scanning your food!
I'd just like to say looking through it's excellent to see how well everyone is doing
And how supportive you are! :)

I'm hoping to gets some new friends on here to help with motivation and support
Each other.

I'm 24, had my little boy 9 months ago and got from 12 1/2 stone to around 11,
And for the past few months I haven't managed to get any lower! So am hoping to
Succeed this time. :)

So feel free to add me if you like, it will be great for support and motivation

:) Thanks :)