Exercise Routine Advise??

Hello! I have an exercise rountine that I love but I want to know if it sounds adequate.

10-20 minutes- Calisthenics with little to no break between exercises
30-40 minutes- Weigh and strength training
10-20 minutes- Brushing up on Self Defense (subs for cardio)
20 minutes- Yoga

So at the most I get 100 minutes in, the least I get 70 minutes. Is this rotine sufficient? I don't work the same muscle groups back to back, my yoga routine is different everyday.
If it isn't, what should I change?



  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    Sounds good to me, with the disclaimer that this depends on what you consider weights and strength training.
  • Oops! I should have said weight lifting! Thanks for the response.