Preparing Meals a week ahead.

I have given this a lot of thought. Im just not 100 percent how this works. Does the food get bad? should it be frozen or does it loose nutritional value? I want to start doing this to control what i eat more.
I would cook 2 meals and divide them through lunch and dinner every day. and for breakfeast i would just make veggie omelets. I notice i still dont eat very clean. Its getting harder everyday. :(
i wanted to try this out for a week and then possibly move up from there. I have stayed at my last weigh in which is 177. ive only lost 7 pounds in three months. If someone does this already and can input some knowledge it would be great!


  • frankyk89
    frankyk89 Posts: 173 Member
    on Sunday's I try and make my lunch for the week which is usually tilapia, something w/ chicken (crockpot chicken taco is a good one for the week) in it and veggies. I make dinner every night. I just divide it into my containers and keep in the fridge. i have never had to freeze something for the week. I also make Overnight Oats for my breakfast, i make them the night before, it takes about 3 minutes and they are ready to go in the morning. I have read where people make the oats for the entire week and they are fine..... i'm trying to eat clean, if you would want any recipes or my ideas just let me know. You can do this, good luck!! :smile:
  • Anelda
    Anelda Posts: 99 Member
    Batch cooking and I do it on a weekly basis instead of a monthly basis

    Here's how I do it:

    Budget out my meals and ingredients. I try and make sure that every meal I cook has leftovers for my husband and I so we can eat it for lunch the next day.
    Shopping on Saturday
    Mise en place Sunday. This means that I prep and weigh everything that I can. If I can chop veggies, I chop veggies. If I know I'm not having chicken until Thursday and it needs to be chopped, I'll chop it then freeze it. Or if it needs to be shredded chicken, I'll boil it, shred it and then freeze it for later in the week. Veggies keep longer than meats and I put the prepped veggies in Tupperware with paper towels in the fridge until I need them. If something calls for a marinade or a spice blend, I'll make those up as well (example: Taco seasoning or homemade teriyaki)

    I then cook every night but a ton of my prep has already been handled.

    This saves a ton of time during the week and is a lot easier on the wallet.

    If you're looking to make full meals for the week (or month), freeze them. I'll do this with meatballs, black bean burgers, lasagna, chicken tenders (from scratch), soups, chili, etc. Quadruple the recipe and then freeze everything that doesn't get used/eaten. Plus, having meals premade in the freezer really helps for when we have, "I really don't feel like cooking" sort of nights.
  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    I dread cooking and preparing my lunches for work so in the past, I have ended up binging while preparing them or sitting on the floor in front of the open fridge, binging and munching to procrastinate. So it really alleviates teh stress to spend a few hours in the kitchen on sunday to cook for the week. I look up quick, easy, inexpensive recipes online, buy the ingredients at the store, and voila. I try to make dishes which I can use leftovers to make others.

    i.e. last week, I prepared chicken in yogurt curry sauce with roasted bell peppers and mango and added a side of brown basmati rice. I used leftover chicken to put in a tortilla with spinach and steamed veggies. The leftover rice, i had as a side with the tuna patties i made. (The bell peppers and mango were so tasty that I ended up picking them out rather than using them in other recipes). I try to prepare dishes that make 4 servings and only use 2-3 of the original dish and 1 -2 servings for something else so that I don't get bored with what I'm eating.