All the Little People (5"1 and under)



  • I'm 5'1 and currently 207.5. BUT a fair amount of it is muscle (I have an active job) and I wear a 36F bra. I'm pretty proportionate, just a little stocky. I want to get under 200 by April, and ideally 170 by the end of the year.

    BMI is the biggest pile of crap I've ever heard of. I just looked it up and it says I'm morbidly obese (which I'm not!) and that my ideal weight is 101-126. I couldn't get to 126 if I never ate again!

    It's so hard! I keep having a hard time on the elliptical because my legs go jelly before I run out of breath because it's such a big rotation for my legs to make XD
  • kjoy_
    kjoy_ Posts: 316 Member
    can 5'2"'s join? I was 136 on the first of Jan, down to 127 as of today and hope to be 120 in a few months, and then 115-118 maintain for the foreseeable future!

    anyone else have issue with adjusting gym weight equipment? some of them i can't get to adjust enough for me to use them properly! so frustrating. :sad:
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    I'm 5"1 my heaviest was 202. Was 190 when I started on here but now i'm 149. I'm medium boned and my goal is 115. I eat 1300 calories a day. Would love to have a healthy BMI for my birthday ( April 30th ). Need to lose another 17 lbs to get there. I'm 38.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Height: 5'
    Weight: 128 lbs
    Goal: 125 lbs
    31 inch waist
    Eat 1750-2000 calories per day

    I started at 208, and it took 11 months to get down to 135. The last ten have taken forever... I think I'm finally gonna get there this year!
  • essjay76
    essjay76 Posts: 465 Member
    Fellow shortie here :smile: Just wanted to throw out a different perspective. Like a few on here, I didn't drastically cut my calories down to lose weight.

    I started MFP in late 2011 and lost 9 pounds grossing about 1600 calories a day. I am 4'10" and have maintained my weight of 103 lbs. since Feb 2012. At my heaviest before MFP I was 125+ pounds.

    I'm not stick thin, have a small frame, but am built more like a gymnast.

    I am very active though (run quite a bit, always training for something like a marathon), so most of my calorie deficit was made via exercise.

    I am currently at a calorie goal of 2000 (my TDEE) and don't eat my exercise calories back. Days when I don't exercise are considerably less than that though.

    I can understand cutting down to 1200 calories or so if you're our size and are just lightly active. It may be hard to sustain that calorie goal for the long haul though.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
  • rems2012
    rems2012 Posts: 33 Member
  • caddygarcia123
    caddygarcia123 Posts: 122 Member
    Same here!!!

    SW: 180
    CW: 152
    GW: 120
  • sptrsen
    sptrsen Posts: 23 Member
    Hello fellow shorties!

    I'm 5'0" and 195lbs. I am very muscular and large chested (currently 40F), but still have a lot of excess baggage in my tummy and thighs. My goal weigh is 110 (right in the middle of what my BMI says I should be), but think I would be happy at a maximum of 125. However, I think I am more concerned about 1) health and 2) pant size rather than weight. I would ideally like to be a size 4, currently a 12-14.

    I try to stay as close to 1200 calories as I can. I find it easier to maintain when I have a large salad for at least one meal, and when I say large I mean like a medium-sized-mixing-bowl-filled-with-spinach-large. Otherwise I am hungry and eat more than I need to, especially while at work. I am also only have a moderate workout routine. On days I have a hard workout I do tend to eat 1300-1600 calories.
  • jjones62301
    jjones62301 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, I think your goal of losing 50lbs in a year is absolutely doable! I'm 5' (and one half inch, very important of course!) I started out at 251 lbs (47.7 BMI) and have lost 72 lbs (33.4 BMI) in less than 6 months. I exercise 6 days a week for about an hour to an hour and a half. (usually jogging at 5mph, Wii Just Dance and/or more recently the Insanity workout which is as it says, INSANE!) I normally eat between 900-1200 calories a day, which yes, sounds like too few, but I rarely ever feel like I'm hungry because I eat 6-7 small meals a day. I also give myself one free day out of the month to eat basically whatever I want and one day a week I increase my calories to probably 1400-1700. So to me, it all evens out. :o)
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    I'm 5" and 151 lbs right now. I think I would like to get down to about 125 lbs but I am more interested in reducing my body fat at this point. The scale is no longer a factor in my journey and I am relying more on measurements and how I look. I began lifting heavy weights about 5 weeks ago and have lost about 7 lbs. I eat around 1800-2000 calories a day.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    "what's your height, weight, size, and goal?"

    4'10.5" current weight is 106, size is around a 2 pants, and my goal is 95 pounds according to my doctor's advice.

    My frame is small to medium. My body fat is around 17% but my scale is probably off. I thought I'd be super trim at this weight, but I still have a big stomach, back and thighs. I am also straight up and down, more of a boy shape so I tend to look bigger unless I have very trim / lean figure.

    "if you've been losing weight or maintaining, how many calories a day are you doing?"

    I am staggering between 1245 and 1540 calories per day, with most days being around 1380.
    Still losing weight, just slower. Don't think I can do 1200 a day anymore. I am exercising very intensely 5 days per week.
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    I wanted to add that I have lost around 35 pounds twice in the last 5 years by following a low calorie diet. As soon as I would get to an acceptable weight, I would eat normally and the weight would come back on so quickly. I never liked the way my body looked either.

    I'm not criticizing anyone for following a low calorie diet but it has seriously messed up my metabolism and my body fat percentage. I don't think short people have to eat less or starve themselves to have the body they desire. Lifting weights is the key, I believe, and there is a wealth of information out there to back this up.

    If you are restricting and binging (as I once did) then I think it is time to re-evaluate. If you are starving and craving foods then you are not going to be able to maintain your loss for a lifetime. Take things slow, lift weights, eat and indulge every now and again. I refuse to let food control me anymore. Since I began eating more and allowing treats as I please (within reason) I feel empowered.

    I am not an expert but this has been my experience. Don't be a yo-yoer like me.
  • prium01
    prium01 Posts: 306 Member
    Hi, I am 5'2'', Currently I am at 153 pounds, my goal weight is 121 pounds.I am medium structured.Hope I would meet my goals soon.You are doing great as well.....I am eating around 1200 calories, sometimes more...

    I do have cheat days on weekends where I eat around 1500 calories.I do a lot of cardio and strength train thrice a week...
  • earndien
    earndien Posts: 195 Member
    i am freaken 5f and weigh a wopping 210.00
    i love being short but damn if i was sometimes a little bit talker i would look different hahah
  • missa526
    missa526 Posts: 103 Member
    I know exactly what you mean! I'm at 1200 calories. I'm 5'1" and last time I weighed myself I was 153 pounds. My size varies drastically depending on what brand I'm. Wearing right now I'm inbetween an 11/12 and a 9/10 at aeropostle in jeans. I'm a classic pear shape smaller on top and larger as I go lower. For the last 2 years I've been yo-yoing between 139-156. It's so frustrating! You are so right that every pound is magnified on our short stature. I'm small boned so my short term goal is to get down to 132 because that just gets me out of the overweight BMI. My longterm goal is 115-120. I don't look super thin at that weight but I was able to maintain it for 3 years and I could wear a bikini without being completely self conscious. I'm increasing my exercise and trying to eat healthier to get there. I'm also trying to quit smoking without gaining weight which is difficult. I just wish I was about 5'4" do I could find jeans that don't drag on the ground lol
  • imogencinnamon
    imogencinnamon Posts: 2 Member
    Yes! I love everything about this thread!

    I'm 5"1 and currently 55.5kg (122 pounds), but want to get down to 49kg (108) which is what I was at my smallest in 2008 - 9. I'm a fairly medium build, and the first tell-tale signs of any weight gain/loss for me appears in the face and arms. As others have mentioned, I think one of the most frustrating things about being small is that any weight gain is immediately noticeable. I find that others can get a little incensed when I gasp about gaining 1kg, but that's because on my frame it actually means a lot!

    At the moment my motivation is veeeeeeeeeeeeeery tentative. I joined MFP about 2 weeks ago and have lost 0.5kg since then on 1200 calories, but even that is barely enough to sustain my motivation right now. I'm not feeling hungry, it's just that I'm struggling to consistently *feel like* I want to reach for a banana and yoghurt for breakfast, instead of skipping it and going straight for a coffee and piece of carrot cake. Desperately clinging on to any shred of patience I have with myself right now and trust that with time I'll see changes and my new food choices will have become habit....
  • Clare0116
    Clare0116 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Wendy, age 60 and living in the United Kingdom, Leicestershire (in the middle of the country). I used to be 4'10" but have shrunk to 4'9", which was a shock to discover. I have been severely hypothyroid for at least 16 yrs, making it even harder for me to lose weight. I have lost 21lbs since last November (with a blip at Christmas/ New Year when I was a guest expected to eat lots of food) and I was severely obese. I'm currently 167lbs and obese. I hope to get back to a healthy BMI and enjoy looking good again. I gain weight on 1,200 cals a day and I'm often anorexic, alternating from 500-1,000 cals a day (only good healthy food, no diet junk). I walk 2-4 miles 3-4 times a week and do on the spot jogging and at least 30 mins of stretching exercises daily. Critics rant on about every woman needs 2000 cals a day, overlooking my petite size and range from I'm not eating enough at 1,000 cals to at 1,000, I'm eating too much (including my unsympathetic Doctor). An apple shape like all my family, I have had 2 heart attacks and I'm likely to be diabetic like my mother and sister if I don't lose the weight.. I am trying Paul McKenna's Hypnotic Gastric Band weight loss and I eat child size portions from a small plate or bowl.
  • mats613
    mats613 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi, I think your goal of losing 50lbs in a year is absolutely doable! I'm 5' (and one half inch, very important of course!) I started out at 251 lbs (47.7 BMI) and have lost 72 lbs (33.4 BMI) in less than 6 months. I exercise 6 days a week for about an hour to an hour and a half. (usually jogging at 5mph, Wii Just Dance and/or more recently the Insanity workout which is as it says, INSANE!) I normally eat between 900-1200 calories a day, which yes, sounds like too few, but I rarely ever feel like I'm hungry because I eat 6-7 small meals a day. I also give myself one free day out of the month to eat basically whatever I want and one day a week I increase my calories to probably 1400-1700. So to me, it all evens out. :o)

    ur profile pic is most disgusting and interesting at the same time. lol.

    smart that you eat small meals to keep ur blood sugar levels up. i also find when i do this eating less is easier cuz i'm not 'ravenous' at any point.
  • mats613
    mats613 Posts: 47 Member

    'm not feeling hungry, it's just that I'm struggling to consistently *feel like* I want to reach for a banana and yoghurt for breakfast, instead of skipping it and going straight for a coffee and piece of carrot cake. Desperately clinging on to any shred of patience I have with myself right now and trust that with time I'll see changes and my new food choices will have become habit....

    you can totally have a piece of carrot cake, just have a small dinner later. as long as ur in ur 'calorie budget' u need to sometimes indulge to stay on track. ur not cheating as long as u can afford the calories.
  • ChasingOctober
    ChasingOctober Posts: 3 Member
    *what's your height, weight, size, and goal?*

    I'm 4'11" and 122-123 lbs. at last weigh in (a few days ago). I wear a range of different sizes (I have clothes in size 4 to size 10 that fit), but for accuracy, my current measurements are 36-27-38. I was a little under 100 lbs at my smallest (although I did not look well, this was the result of a grieving period), around 130 lbs at my heaviest. I guess I'm shooting for 115 right now.

    *what is your frame - small, medium, or big boned?*
    My wrists seem about medium size but I have really wide set hips. So, I don't know.

    *what do you think is a reasonable expectation for weight loss?*
    My mentality is basically that if you are eating healthily and exercising regularly, whatever rate you are losing at is the right one.

    *if you've been losing weight or maintaining, how many calories a day are you doing?*
    I have been going through a very rough patch recently in regards to life stress, so numbers that are in my current diary are NOT something that I would condone. However, I can say that I was maintaining a very fit 125 lbs while eating 1700-2300 & exercising 6 days a week. At that point, I was running 4 miles once a week, and doing 40 min to 60 min exercise videos the other 5 days.
    JULIUSKITTY Posts: 126 Member
    what's your height, weight size, and goal?

    I'm 5'1 146 lbs, size 11, curvy, big breasts but also a lot of muscle and bigger thighs :x I have never had small thighs even at 125 but they were def strong soccer legs lol. I am trying my best to get back to that point.. but for me I do better with small goals.. so I did a goal of 13 lbs.. I lost 4 already 9 to go.. once I read that I will do a new goal of say 10 lbs and see how I look when I reach it. I am eating 1200 cals a day and hypo thyroid.. I eat cake and goodies but I make sure and earn them or can afford them in my cals.. last night I had pizza but ate very little for lunch.. I found for me. if I am drinking enough water or tea I can last longer without all those extra cals anyway. Someone told me I am large boned but I really dont know... I can tell you even when I was 125 lbs my pant size was a 8. which seems kinda big to me for someone that was running and super fit.. so maybe I am large boned?
  • Malaak1477
    Malaak1477 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm the same height as you are. I'm doing 1200 cals as well haven't weighed in in over a week I started at 123 (I was 119 last I checked) the goal is to get down to 111-110. 107 feels ideal but my family would argue that is too small. I had major surgery over a year ago and its been much tougher than ever to drop the weight. The 1200 cal count with Zumba mixed in 3-4 times a week seems to be moving things along. Keep on keeping on.
  • jjones62301
    jjones62301 Posts: 28 Member
    In regards to my profile pic: I thought so too when I first saw it, but I had a couple weeks where I only lost 1 pound and would be a little disappointed with that....but then I look at my pic and say damn, if that's what one pound looks like, I'm okay with that!!! LOL
  • SMN1392
    SMN1392 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, I'm also a shorty!

    I'm only 5 foot. I weigh 176 lbs and my goal weight is 121lbs. I've always been medium to large frame and I carry my weight around my bust and hips.

    I've been trying to lose weight since November. So far I've lost 22lbs. I started with 1200 calories but I've hit a mini plateau and realised I wasn't eating enough. I now eat 1600 at least!
  • Shorty here also!! Im 5'1 and as of today I weigh 135...Trying to get in 110-115 range..its hard...and those last 20 are killer
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    I was eating at 1300 cals and lost over 40 lbs then everyting stoped for 3 weeks lost .8 lbs. But when I upped my cals to 1500 I started losing again. My goal it 115-120 I'm 5"1' and I'm medium boned.
  • I'm 5' 3/4" and currently at 177 lbs. My lowest weight is 127 lbs. I have a larger build according to this site
  • I hear you. I'm barely 5'1" and have a small to medium frame. I stayed around 115 for years then with menopause, have had a hard time staying below 140. I'm 60 and have been active most of my life but would like to be at least be back around 120.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I'm 5'1" and started at 136. I'm slightly below my goal. Currently, I'm at 102. I'm small-framed and have been upping my calories since December to find the sweet spot of staying between 102 and 105. I'm eating about 1350 now. When you consider maintenance calories, you do have to factor in age. It 58, I cannot eat the same way I did as when I was 25.

    But I feel great now. Whole, clean food can fill a lot of volume. Moderate cardio and strength training have made me feel better than I've felt in at least 15 years.