Just Starting out

Never counted calories in a total program before. Need to stay off the fats and sugars. Exercise: Elliptical (1 hour for 5.8 to 6.6 miles and 560 to 610 cals burner per hour), Bowl, Drums. Always go to Subway on Sundays and get a foot long Chicken Breast on Honey Oat with all the Veggies, Buffalo sauce and Spicy Mustard, Oregano and Pepper. A few times a week I drink my specialty a Chocolate - (but can be any flavor) Designer Whey Protein Fruit Smoothie. Starts with 2 cups Lactaid (or silk) Calcium rich, fat-free milk (90 cals per cup). Add a 1 large Frozen Banana (~ 124 calories) (I break these into small pieces and stash into several plastic freezer containers for later use) which negates any use for ice and keeps the dentist happy from no ice chewing. 2 scoops of Designer Whey Gourmet Chocolate (100 Cal per scoop). Then 1/2 cup of raw Quaker Oatmeal (can use fiber cereal or other grain product). Add one container "Naked" Brand Juice (used Orange - Mango today 250 cals for entire container). Add a shake or 2 of cinnamon (great health benefits). No sugar necessary and crank it up (we use the Juiceman, a very powerful blender) on a high setting (I use 95%) for 40 sec, let settle and do again. Makes 4.8 - 12 oz servings at 236 calories (Depending on amounts of each item or substitutions) per serving. Trying to lose about 15 pounds to lose a small gut from a keyboard pecking, sedentary job. Take Care !!